Assuming this is the case, what instances would you recommend? My home instance doesn’t allow community creation and I don’t necessarily want to pile everything on Decentralization and all that.
Nope. Pick whichever one. But the apps afaik don’t have any mod tools, just so you’re aware.
Create yes, mod no. Mods can be from any instance, but when you create a community it will be hosted by your home instance.
I don’t see any way to create a community on an instance that isn’t your home instance. If I’m wrong, please give the steps to take.
You’re right. The only way would be to create an account on that instance then appoint your other profile as a moderator. Maybe you can resign as moderator on the second account but I’m not 100% sure on that one, and it may not even be necessary.
You could ask the instance owner to create the community and volunteer to mod it or approach an admin of a instance that has communities in a similar vein
I’m open to hosting communities that align with my instance - not necessarily NZ based
Same for - it’s a small server focusing on certain topics.
That’s a nice little instance that is building some good communities
Well done
Thank you!