sorry i got my rhetoric ™️ wrong last time i am just attempting to illustrate the thesis of Tolerance is not a moral precept by Yonatan Zunger so check that out if ur curious thanks babes <3

[Tolerance] is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

    1 year ago

    BuT dIsAgReEiNg WiTh HuMaN rIgHtS iS jUsT aN oPiNiOn, So YoU aReN’t AlLoWeD tO bE mEaN tO fAsCiStS wHo ArE aDvOcAtInG fOr A fUcKiNg GeNoCiDe!1!

    • im stuff@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      1 year ago

      my first exposure to the paradox its ambiguity was being used as an excuse to platform literal nazis on the basis of “being mean makes you the oppressor ☹️☹️☹️”

      i for one welcome a philosophy that is more concrete and specific and doesn’t allow for such openings. tolerance as a contract does that for me. though as this comment section shows trying to express this position gets you labeled as maga so huge L for me i guess.

    1 year ago

    Interestingly enough, international waters work by a similar concept. A lot of people think no laws apply in international waters, but that’s not the case. Anyone sailing there picks a country whose laws they will follow.

    But what happens if you don’t pick a flag and just decide you’re not going to follow any laws?? Well then you’re not protected by any laws either. Your ship can be sunk or seized by anyone and there isn’t anything you can do about it because you decided you wanted to exist outside of any laws.

    Tolerance works a bit like that. If someone choses to live outside of tolerance and just do what they want to others, then they forfeit their right to be protected by tolerance.

          • Solar
            1 year ago

            but stop at equality for everyone, not suppression of those you may disagree with

            Equality for everyone requires the suppression of those who would take away that equality, otherwise you eventually lose equality for everyone. This is similar to how maximizing freedom for everyone requires restricting your individual freedom to harm others, because in doing so you remove their freedoms. Your individual freedom is less, but the total amount of freedom in the system is greater for it.

            Furthermore, it is not a moral failing, or even a difficult moral quandary, to suppress people for their actions and choices. We do it all the time to murderers and other criminals, or even people who don’t shower. This can be done in multiple ways, including ways that do not involve state power. We frequently use social means to suppress people, for good or bad. A society simply works that way. And if they don’t like it, they can simply choose to stop trying to take away equality; I cannot similarly choose to stop being the kind of person they want to take equality away from.

            To protect equality we must win every fight; to lose it, they need only win once. Everybody is protected by equality so long as they believe in it. I do not believe that those who do not believe in equality should be extended its benefits, for they will seek to destroy it from within like a parasite.

            1 year ago

            Pretending that you can’t specifically outlaw explicitly violent and hateful bigotry without someone else outlawing your own peaceful ideology is the mother of all slippery slope fallacies and is almost exclusively trotted out by people who agree with a lot of the ideology of the bigots.

            There’s nobody forcing us to go down any “bad path” just because we protect minorities from extremists. Just like there’s NOT always two valid sides to an issue (see for example flat earthers, young earth creationists and other science deniers), you don’t have to ban democracy in order to ban fascism.

                1 year ago

                violent and hateful acts of bigotry are outlawed and have been for quite a while

                Someone hasn’t been paying attention to all the laws deliberately victimising and discriminating against racial minorities, LGBTQ+ people, poor people, unemployed people and all immigrants (not just the undocumented ones) coming out of Congress, the white house and the states for the last 250 or so years 🙄

  • CurseBunny [she/her]
    1 year ago

    The side of intolerance will never extend you the courtesy of peaceful co-existence that you try to extend to them. If you give them a hand they’ll take an arm. Give them the chance to talk and they’ll take away your right to speak. You fundamentally can’t make peace with someone who wants nothing more than to see you disappear.