I saw a question about the most favorites… so im here to ask the opposite. For me, my most hated movie is dumb and dumber to, i think

  • Dr. Daniel Jackson@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I know it’s cliche for me, a Marxist Leninist, to say this. But literally everything Orwell ever wrote.

    I mean all of it. I took the liberty to read most of his work and some of what he wrote, particularly the pamphlets, are decent. But it’s all bad. His idealism knows no bounds, and his understanding of socialism is fundamentally broken. And, to boot, he’s a deeply hateful person who modern readers would see as a far-right figure if he was alive today. The man thought wearing sandals meant you were criminally insane, and supporting feminism made you less of a man. He reported people to R. Conquest for being black, and gay. But, the libertarian left upholds this man, who would attack them if he was alive now, as a saint of their ideals.

  • Soviet Snake@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I think the two worst books I’ve read are Animal Farm and The Little Prince, I’m sure there a ton more but that’s top shit that has sold millions of copies. When it comes to films I don’t think I hate any in particular, maybe I should think about it a bit (I guess those films where they transform a thing into a movie like The Emoji Movie could count since they are peak commodity fetishism), I do think The Room, Un buen día and Planet 9 from Outer Space are some of the worst films ever made but they are extraordinary master pieces because of it, so I don’t have them, I love them.

    • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I understand for animal farm, but i wonder why you dislike the little prince ? Hope it doesnt sound rude or anything, just curious lol

      • Soviet Snake@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Eh, I just hate it’s the second most read book after the Bible but it’s actually pretty shitty and bland, and most people who talk about it are fucking stupid people who believe themselves to have a degree on literature for reading it. It’s sentimentalism without any big meaning behind it, not big story, no nothing and capitalism has marketed it like fuck.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I agree with you. It’s too bland for a kids book and way too trite for a adult one, like a puddle mistaken for an ocean. I remember everyone in school praised it and i was like “did we read the same book”?

      • B0rodin@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        It is a story about an entitled child that gets a pilot to draw images for him and demands presents despite that pilot having just crashed. The child finds a crashed pilot and its - I cannot say his and prescribe humanity to it - its first thought is not oh no, can I help, but what can you give me.

        • xanthespark@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I like how at the beginning he literally just shows you the snake who swallowed the elephant he drew like “here’s my cringe and fail drawing everyone thought was a hat, I guess”

  • folaht@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Most hated book: The black Dahlia and Catcher in the Rye. Stop swearing and stop whining. I can’t even get past the first two pages if you do that. Let me check page 50…okay, that’s it. Next.

    Most hated tv show: Unhappily Ever After Loved ‘Married with Children’, this show was considered the same by anyone who didn’t like ‘Married with Children’ and it’s not. Where ‘Married with Children’ had a dysfunctional family where the wife had her reason to stay with her husband and vice versa and where only the siblings hated each other, the way siblings can do, this show upped the meanness of the wife and children and it was all aimed at the husband who’s only friend is an imaginary bunny that’s mean to him as well. All it did to me is say: “Stop whining and leave her.”

    Most hated Movie: Transformers, live action of course. Not the cartoon movie from years earlier. Unlike Kommando, I loved the first cartoon series and so loved the concept. The interesting thing about the cartoon when I watched it as a child was how they were able to have an advancing plot and that was despite the fact that it was a cartoon specifically to sell toys and often adding new ones to boot. Since they were robots, they were able to get away with one-dimensional characters, killing off characters, including main characters.
    This movie on the other hand, is the first time I walked away from. It was American Pie crossed with Armageddon, with color-filtered CGI so you can’t see how bad it is, which to me mean I’m trying to constantly move to see what’s going on, but it doesn’t help and then give up annoyed. I can’t for the life of it understand why people think they can enjoy vague blobs on the screen. All characters were less interesting than the ones in the children’s cartoon, especially the robots, who are supposed to be the main characters. Optimus prime, the main robot character in this movie had about the same depth as the least interesting side characters in the cartoon.

    Least favorite Movie (favoured by most): Lord of the Rings trilogy Love fantasy, but not when it’s bleak. I do want to live in this world or it needs to have a compelling story to get invested in the characters. And while Transformers hid it’s bad CGI with color-filtered robots, this trilogy was color-filtered wholly in order to hide all the bad CGI and turn the sky blue-gray or light-brown. I don’t understand why people can feel invested in a world that looks permanently washed-out with grey skies and grey buildings and sun-light coming from angles that it looks like it was filmed on Alaska. I constantly felt like I was made colorblind and needed eye surgery to see properly again. Added with the dry dialogue, misplaced music, missing scenes like the death of Saruman and slow pacing, I could still watch it, but never really enjoy, because instead of wanting to walk away from the movie, I just want to walk away to a more pleasant looking fantasy world. The hobbit was a better watch, but everyone seems to hate it’s CGI. “Oh, now that your eyes are no longer impaired by the color filter, you noticed?”

    Noticeable non-favorites is Harry Potter, but I felt already too old to like it, so I’ve watched only bits and pieces. Off what I’ve seen it was too fast paced. Jumping from one event to the next like so fast, I felt like I watching Fort Boyard. No time to waste what life at Hogwarts is, we need to jump to the next obstacle course.
    Also, stuck-up Hermione seems an unrealistic match for Ron and would not accept anything less than Viktor Krum in both status and age.

    And as for 1984, I only dislike how a no-dissent camera-everywhere London is compared to North Korea and not, you know, London.

  • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
    2 years ago

    To add my personal opinion… i hate atlas shrugged by ayn rand. Libertarianism is so stupid man

    • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Anti communist ? I only watched season 1. A few eps of s2 and didnt bother w the rest bc it looked boring, id really appreciate if you could tell me more abt it lol, sounds like i made the right decision not bother to watch the rest

      • Adoraism-Stalinism☭@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        hooo boy get ready. So season 2 is fine, its pretty good up until this one really boring one, then the rest is super good. SEASON 3 ON THE OTHER HAND IS JUST FUCKING LUNACY!! Want a villain? Guess who? ITS THE SOVIETS! How are they villains in a show set in an american small town? THE SOVIETS BUILT A SUPER BUNKER UNDER THE MALL TO USE A GIANT FUCKING LASER FOR SOME REASON! They don’t even know what the laser does, but they’ve built a giant laser in the homeland of their worst enemy to do something they don’t even know. Because evil russian things I guess. I gtg but I’ll be back for more ranting!

        • ComradeChairmanKGB@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I for one would be ecstatic if papa Stalin built a giant death laser under my town. Fucking Americans just can’t appreciate a good infrastructure project.

        • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
          2 years ago

          WHAT !? Ok thats crazy lol, when i was watching s1 i was p sure it was the us doing experiments cus they spoke english and it all happens in america… So weird

          • Adoraism-Stalinism☭@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            Okay the soviets are under the new mall (that has a subplot where they are sad the mall is taking jobs and business from the workers, but the soviets are the cause of the hypercapitalist mall and are the root of all problems, so that gets swept under the rug) and are a part of a secret plot to cross dimensions (for unclear military reasons, I guess?). This is also during THE FUCKING GORBACHEV ERA! These fucks don’t know anything but vague mcCarthyist bullshit. Season 4 is looking to be some of the worst shit so far, because the evil russians took hopper (the cop) for some reason and put him in tHe eBiL GUlaG (in fucking 1983, since they apparently don’t know Gulags were unfortunately gone after the Krushchev era) and now its gonna be some sort of fucking trip through the “evil soviet union” Which is gonna be such a fucking propaganda trip holy fuck I hope they don’t. There is gonna be some serious “no food” and “always winter” and dumbasshit stuff like that. Fucking kill me

            • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
              2 years ago

              … This sounds like some kind of crappy fanfic, what is it with shows getting insanely weird past 2 seasons? A shame too because the show had really good potential. 😬😬

  • NasgorTikusEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I have a burning hatred for idiocracy and 1984, especially for the people that enjoy them. As for favorites i love rise of the planet of the apes as i personally interpret it as the working class gaining class consciousness and revolting against their oppressors.

    • panic@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I also hate the 1984 book. Thinking about it, and George Orwell, fills me with rage. Piece of shit book, piece of shit author.

  • RedLightningInTheSky@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Hard to give an answer that isn’t cliche because I know generally know what fits my taste and I don’t waste time reading/watching things I don’t like. Probably worse out there but this 2011 Wolverine anime on Netflix that my brother put me through was pretty terrible. They randomly throw in a cliche Soviet Russian villain in halfway through just cuz and aside from that it was just utterly forgettable and mediocre.

    Other shows I find irritating would probably be all those redneck reality TV shows like Duck Dynasty or pretty anything that comes out of the History channel.

    • mmeow@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      For sure, probably the worst collection of fiction that has ever been published tbh

  • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Book: Walden. Was so hyped to read it, had massive expectations due to it’s popularity and because it sounded awesome. Horrible book. I can’t even really put my finger on it, but to me it was just trivial, boring, uninspired rambling and it made me unreasonably angry. One of the very few books I’ve consciously not finished.

    TV show: Big Bang Theory. The most milquetoast normie shit dressed up as nerdy and quirky. It’s not smart and the humor is atrocious. Bazoongy! xddddddddddd hahaha Shelbot did le random thing omg what a nerd, btw Batman xddddd Just hate everything about it. The fandom, the characters, everything.

    Movie: Coldest Game. Just because I’ve seen it recently. Horrible pacing, horrible writing, horrible acting, horrible story. Absolute dogshit movie and on top of that it’s one of the most unabashed anti-communist piles of garbage I’ve seen in quite a while. Polish resistence guy literally calls a couple of Soviet soldiers fascists. The whole ‘dark ebil empire with the gray sky and grey buildings’ aesthetic dialed up to the max. Most cartoonishly evil Soviet antagonists. Fuck it.

    Also Transformers. Literal US military propaganda with some fancy boom boom, garbage actors and the most nonsensical stories ever. Fucking sentient car robots from outer space…

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I enjoy Transformers as a guilty pleasure, or I used to anyway. I like over the top and bombastic action.

      • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Completely understandable. Used to too. Absolutely loved the first one when it first came out, probably watched it a dozen times for the (then) incredible CGI alone. I just made one mistake during some rewatch of the 2nd or 3rd at some point - stopped for a moment to think about what I was actually watching and that ruined it forever. The guilty pleasure factor was just gone.

  • CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Vandana Shiva. She isn’t exactly entertainment, but she is a major figure in environmental studies who has written plenty and has many documentaries about her. She is highly lauded. There are plenty of good things to say about her, but whenever I read her, I always have heavy criticisms because she routinely teeters on essentialism and uses language that undermines the spirit of her work, which tells me the essentialisms that hide in the corner are a feature and not a slip of the tongue and it bothers me greatly. I guess I wouldn’t say I hate her work as much as I hate how little she is criticized when she is brought up in academic spaces and I am convinced that the lack of criticisms of her is part of a greater trend in undergraduate academia that highlights trends that are IMO easy for the ruling class to co-opt or work with, and essentialism is very easy to be manipulated.

    Harry Potter. Very cliche I know. In some ways it is nostalgic in a Christmas-y sort of way, however, it is a total failure that IMO goes beyond the mere person of JKR. The books are antisemitic (goblins run the bank), justify slavery (house elves like to be slaves actually), works as copaganda (Harry literally becomes a cop at the end after the entire wizard state was easily taken over by fascists), and justify what I can only describe as a metaphor for race science while simultaneously taking the moral high ground (muggles are lesser than wizards in the books but boooo that’s mean and really only a cartoonish villain is the problem. It has big conservative “we are obligated to care for our lessors just as we care for our dogs” vibes. The books could have been written as a metaphor for how chauvinist the UK is.).

    Marvel, and specifically Iron Man. Tony Stark is a war criminal and a groomer. He literally makes Spiderman into a fucking child soldier so he can fight Captain America and after he dies, he gives the fucking panopticon to said child soldier. Also, his savior narrative is nauseating, although similar to Christ, his death and “sacrifice” made zero sense whatsoever.

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      To be fair to Iron Man, in the first movie he knowingly profitted off of selling weapons and tech to the U.S. military, but terminated his contracts and deals after seeing a glimpse of what his actions cause.

      But its still neoliberal bullshit.