American style margherita pizza
a cool (brr) dude
American style margherita pizza
They have to justify the existence of the parasites like the ones known as ‘Harvard law grads’ somehow
I find replica football jerseys pretty uncomfortable. Which is shame because they are so expensive.
That’s amazing. What has your experience been like since quitting?
In communist China he would have been executed.
Sir/maam/respected enby it’s *C*CPC
This might surprise you but:
Also, no, both sides not bad. One side good. One side bad. USSR good.
I only use moisturizer since I’m pigmentally endowed
Why do you like vtubers? How do you find them different from regular streamers?
What does that even mean? They are gonna start taking IMF loans and FDI?
I started smoking about 2 years ago in my late 20s because the world was stressing me out
Same. Except I started because of work specifically. Though I don’t smoke too much. One or two sticks a day.
best to not be a philistine and just read the comic books:
I’m really sorry to hear that man. What did you do to quit before?
It’s not a generic drug there:
[…] Insulin is also unique in its market structure: a persistent oligopoly both nationally and globally, in particular with respect to the prices of analog insulins. Only three companies—Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and Eli Lilly—provide insulin the United States market, despite the existence of several other manufacturers globally.
Don’t think too much about it
Can you link one article from Jacobin that is such a scathing criticism that a despotic regime would not allow the publishing of?
Mainland is Taiwan’s biggest trading partner by a large margin
Is this the seaweed snack where for one gram of actual food there is 10 grams of packaging plastic?