Don’t get me wrong, I like all these things. But this looks fucking disgusting. Get better cooking skills. Don’t treat yourself like this.
Is that not normal food where you’re from?
Yes, and it isn’t bad actually. Just overpriced.
Yeah honestly it’s one of the few meats I still crave as a pescatarian, which is weird because it’s always been pretty good but nothing super special aside from tasting like home
It needs that much cheese just to be palatable, for me anyway. That chili is nasty.
Chilimac is great. It is not like regular chili and is best topped with cheddar cheese and diced onion.
Gotta add some doritos to it
Im confused… cincinatti chili is the shit. This is coming from a person who has never been remotely near cincinatti.
When you hear jokes about Italians getting angry at non-traditional pizzas, in reality it’s about certain Americans and chili.
They’ll literally beat eachother up if there’s beans, no beans, this spice, not that spice, etc. While Italians don’t give a fuck about peoples pizza, as long as they don’t try to call it authentic Italian when it’s not.
Sure, if you’ve never been to a Texas chili cook-off 😅
That’s like saying you can’t enjoy skirt steaks because you’ve had ribeye.
All opinions are valid except about chili … and bbq.
Cincinnati chili has one of the biggest disconnects between looks and taste in food. It looks like absolute trash. It’s a meal you would assume a hobo made from random dumpster dives. Sometimes they show a big plate of it during a national sports broadcast that’s in Cincinnati, and I’ve seen people leave the room because it literally makes them nauseous. But damn if it isn’t shockingly tasty, filling, and satisfying. Something about the cinnamon and beans, plus spaghetti underneath just clicks, and it’s rare to find someone who generally doesn’t like it when they give it a chance. It’s a weird food.
There’s cinnamon in it? 🤢
I would 100% eat this without beans.
Before anyone decides to come at me, I am autistic and the texture of most beans make me want to puke.
No need to make excuses, beans suck!
Yeah but people get pissy about chili.
That’s not helping.
Funny I had n eee ver heard of this. But I thought to myself that’s a really good idea. (I like chili, I like spaghetti, so why not.) but I’m like damn that picture makes it look awful.
Truly terrifying
chili spaghetti is extremely normal tho ?
i mean skyline sux and all but like
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That guy must have never left Cincinnati, because they’re the only people in the world who like this stuff
It’s fluffy cheese, way less than you would have on pizza anyway
As a native, I can confirm that when you order a three-way (no I’m not kidding, that’s actually what they’re called) they will absolutely murder it with shredded cheese. Sometimes it’s piled up like 3-4 inches high. They do the same with the coneys too but you can only really stack like 2 inches of cheese on a hot dog bun.
I’ve heard of a five way, what’s that?
I honestly never had chili on spaghetti till I moved here. It also only happened because we were too poor for spaghetti sauce.
i mean it’s spiced differently and usually has beans but the main ingredient is still tomatoes. not that different from having a meat sauce
Well and the cinnamon. And the shredded cheddar cheese.
the only restaurant chili with cinnamon is skyline, which is specifically why i dont like it
It’s unholy. I had a coworker tell me that I “needed to force it down a few times” before I would start to like it. That’s stockholm syndrome for food my guy.
ALL the shredded cheddar cheese
Burn the heretic! Skyline rules!
Sometimes, you just want Gold Star Chili
Three anti-Ohio memes on the front page right now.
I feel like I missed something.
I’m also not sure I want to know.
We have corn, hell signs, and skyline chili, there is a lot going on here.
I haven’t even gotten to posting to the obscenely large object memes yet.
Hell signs?
Large billboards that say “Hell is real!” Or something similar. They are so frequent in the more remote areas that it has been noticed by other parts of the world. Those wacky Evangelicals at it again. Those little rascals.
Ah, those are all over the rural Southeast. Once had a friend call a number that promised to prove young earth creation.
How did that go?
They didn’t prove creation :(
Well damn, maybe next time.
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There actually are a few more scattered about in the smaller town areas, but for the sake of not identifying my location any further, I will leave that up to people to find on their own.
Ohio so hot right now
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
So, you’re looking at this and it looks like normal chili. And you’re thinking chili with cheese and spaghetti, yeah I could go for that. Then you eat it, and some asshole put cinnamon in the chili instead of chili powder and cumin and you realize you have been duped into eating Christmas vomit with cheese and noodles.
Whenever you’re feeling good and hungry….
I’m high and would definitely eat this rn.
Coming off 72 hours of non stop nausea and I’d eat any fucking thing I can.
The metric shitload of cheese would make me apprehensive about making myself nauseous again, but the chili spaghetti can get straight into my belly. It’s like chili mac for people of culture.
Thankfully it says cheese is not included.
I can just use a regular amount if I make it. I wonder how different types of cheese will taste on it.
Parmesan would be interesting. Blue cheese would be horrid but I wanna try that too.
Like enough for one bite so the rest isn’t ruined.
What? That looks delicious.
This is supposed to go on Fritos. Why do y’all put yourselves through this in the Midwest?
With the texture of those noodles, I can only imagine this is like a bland version of a soggy Frito pie.
Nah it’s actually quite flavorful. It’s more like a carby coney dog
I assure you, this is a strictly Cincinnati phenomenon.
It’s all over the cities remotely close to Cincinnati too… and it’s actually pretty good. Not big on the spaghetti part, but the chili is pretty good.
Nah we got this shit in the south too.