It would be deeply triggering to see him and he is extremely manipulative, plus he has friends that attend the scene. Some of them were doing meth last I saw them over ten years ago.
If I make friends, they could easily link back to him through themselves or multiple people. I seriously cannot tolerate that. I don’t want him knowing anything about me and my life.
Do you think I can manage being part of a small scene with these conditions?
Ultimately only you can really tell if you can handle it. I would say go with a friend, have multiple exit plans, and don’t force yourself to stay in a situation where you’re uncomfortable. If you catch wind he might be there and you don’t think you can handle the stress, bail. That’s what I’d do, anyway.
Have you considered using a fake name? I doubt anyone but him would recognize you after this long.
People use fake names for privacy in political organizing all the time.
That’s a good idea. I should use a highly common name so if they spot me and hear what name I’m going by, it’s still a little harder for them to ask around for me.
How about Shooter Hot Rod?
I’ll go by Hot Rod for short