I wanted to ask this after I saw the newest Marvel movie. Am I alone in just thinking that its just pretty bad? I thought it should have ended at Endgame.

  • Oatsteak@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I seriously do not understand the Marvel movies hype. I’ve tried watching them, but I find them so incredibly boring and predictable that I have only managed to sit through two of them (after several tries! Because I like liking things). The “witty” quips aren’t witty, the plot is uninspired, and the writing in general just feels like it was written by an algorithm to create the most inoffensive, common denominator crap. It feels soulless and corporate, and I can only see them as cash grabs, not actual artistic creations (although I am sure there are lots of passionate, talented people behind the scenes, any genuine expression is, at least for me, totally drowned out by the polished Hollywood vibe of it all)

    It’s basically the same issue I have with all capitalist media, but it’s not usually as overpowering with smaller productions. Big deal shit like the Marvel movies are just the most obvious.

    • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Same. Watched the first couple Ironman, Cpt America, Thor and main Avengers films. Not even sure if it was the CU at that point. Don’t think I’ve seen a single one since like 2015 or something like that. Like every single one of them is them same. Ancient/alien big bad that’s evil for evil reasons shows up, heroes have to get the Mcguffin to beat them, dramatic boss fight, rinse, repeat. How in the world they made like 20 of them and had people hooked anyway, no idea.

      To me it’s the worst excess of the franchising hype leading to endless, brainless sequels, prequels and spinoffs not for any artistic reason but to keep the cash flowing. Soulless, heartless, uninspired, generic, shiny crap.

      Just movies made to justify more movies.

    • panic@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      The fucking witty quips. At this point it feels like they’re the new laugh track to indicate you should laugh at nothing.

      You forgot to add that everything is CGI. Costume, hair, sets.

      I’m not a filmbro but I feel like I’m watching Peppa Pig with the MCU. How are these movies so popular among adults.

    • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I enjoyed it when I was a kid, and I liked some of the shitty Sega games that were “based on the movie” and had nothing to do with the movies. But yea once it got past like Avengers I was pretty bored of it, I literally can’t even remember how many movies they’ve made so far. My guess is somewhere in the 30s or 40s or something, they have like 2-4 movies per character and they keep tacking on new ones that nobody cares about