Just spent the last three days shivering and sweating in a pile of blankets because of RTO. Get fucked, rich asses.
I support y’all wearing masks, but fuck a mask when it’s above 90°F and I’m doing manual labor. I need to drink about 32oz an hour and at that rate I’m yanking the mask down constantly, and meanwhile the humid air from my breath is making me sweat through the mask. It was a nightmare. I’d rather just fucking die.
yeah masks in hot weather are very unpleasant
They’re pretty great in cold weather, though. No chapped lips!
100%. You are not the problem, the problem is the government and its corporate controllers who decided to just let it run rampant.
Are you talking outside? Even at the height of the pandemic there was no reason to wear a mask unless you where going to a rock concert or such. I usually only had one on outside when going into or coming from indoors like a store or such.
Factory labor. You think they’re gonna waste money on air conditioning?
my condolences. hot is bad enough. stale hot. yuck.
I was gonna get one of those respirators with active fans in them but never did.
I just caught it, too. :( Without traveling and while still being cautious (but not wearing a mask literally everywhere), fully vaccinated, all that.
This is my second time getting it and it is absolutely not milder than it was the first time.
ugh that sucks :(
Get vaccinated or die!