In a post to his social media site, Trump claimed, “I know nothing about Project 2025,” the name given to a playbook crafted by the Heritage Foundation to fill the executive branch with thousands of Trump loyalists and reorient its many agencies’ missions around conservative ideals.

“I have no idea who is behind it,” Trump continued on Truth Social. “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

    • Todd
      3 months ago

      I assume as much, but we already know that he’s too stubborn to listen to anyone he doesn’t hand-pick, and that he doesn’t like being told what to do, so there’s a chance that he’ll just do whatever he wants in impulse for 4 years as president, and that P2025 limps along trying to convince Trump that they know best.

      After 4 years of his supporters calling him the greatest president ever to set foot in the White House, I find it hard to believe he considers anyone more qualified than himself, given that he’s a gigantic narcissist. I take P2025 as a serious threat given that there are billions of dollars backing it, but I also think their plan is ridiculous and impossible to actually execute without competence, and the guy they are relying on can’t string together a complete sentence and is prone to random speeches about sharks.

  • The Snark
    3 months ago

    ridiculous and abysmal

    I wish them luck

    Guy came this close to completing a single thought without weasel words

      3 months ago

      Those aren’t even the weasel words.

      Weasel words are ‘Some of what they are doing is bad’.

      ‘I support blah and blah within reasonable guidelines.’

      ‘We must pursue blah blah to the greatest extent possible.’

      This is just two-faced insane bullshit.

      Doing a 180 about face in about a minute isn’t weaseling, it isn’t being less than totally clear, less than totally committed to a particular policy, unwilling to specifically define where you draw a line.

      Its just fucking bold faced lying.

          3 months ago

          Its no problem!

          We are all constantly berated by so many forms of dishonesty that it can be easy to mix them up.

          Another post i responded too a few days ago had a significant number of people explaining to them the difference between gaslighting and guilt tripping.

          But yeah, weasel words are a way of intelligent people lying as you say.

          It’s basically the art of constructing some kind of way to wiggle out of some kind of position you held or thing you promised to do by being just vague or non commital, giving unspecified qualifiers, or using technical jargon or equivocating contextual word meanings such that you can technically not have lied or reversed course, in a possible future scenario.

          Trump is just blatantly bullshitting.

          Imagine if Trump had said:

          Oh yeah, I don’t support all of what Planned Parenthood does, some of it is ridiculous and abysmal, but hey they’re good people and I hope they succeed.

          Its contradictory, vague and just means nothing. Its like the paradox of meeting two people where one says ‘B always lies’ and the other says ‘A is telling the truth.’

          The only thing possible to discern is that neither A nor B are totally truthful, thus, extending the analogy, the seemingly contradictory statement is not trustworthy to actually mean anything.

          The multiple parts of the stated information just make no sense when taken in totality.

          If anyone said something like that online in a forum, it would pretty quickly be determined that they are either quite stupid, actually some kind of insane, or trolling/ragebaiting.

    3 months ago

    Same double talk as with not knowing what QAnon is and then using their stupid lingo, same double talk as Proud Boys stand back and stand by, same double talk as I’d release the Epstein Files but not as much, only somewhat, because some of it is lies.

    Anyway, cheers to Greenland becoming the next US overseas territory, nuking a hurricane, removing the income tax and replacing it with a gigantic tariff, restarting nuclear testing and I guess pulling support from Ukraine, blowing up NATO, and everyone dying in the next pandemic.

    Fucking clownworld we live in.