Of course, they can’t say “war criminal Donald Trump” because that would then invite people to call Biden a war criminal too

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    The war machine is what keeps the world economy going. I’m concerned about, and have protested the industrial military complex for as long as I’ve been aware of it. Regarding genocide currently: We have Christian crazy folks convinced Israel has to exist. I protest it, I’m against it. I don’t have as much cash to bribe politicians.

    That’s what it comes down to. We get the votes. We don’t get to pick all the policy. I don’t have money to write policy like these super pacs or other orgs.

    Maybe this system fucking sucks then

    • Mjpasta710
      2 months ago

      So much of it isn’t fair.

      I want to improve it.

      We can’t fix it by simply tearing it down, that leaves us all vulnerable to the fascists and the ones already abusing things to abusing things harder.

      We have to fix it like the ship of Theseus, one plank at a time.

      It’s hard, messy, and thankless.

      I don’t remember signing up to be here, I didn’t see a consent form. Here we are.