Maybe a weird question, but a while ago someone told my most of my outfits could be worn in any random Friends episode (in a positive way) and it got me thinking: is there some sort of subconscious ‘leftist’ clothing style?

For reference: I saw this article by B*zzfeed slamming Friends outfits but I could see myself wearing most of them tbh

  • Soviet
    2 years ago

    I do not have money to buy clothes so my warddrobe is a mixture of clothes I have had for 10 years, stuff my mother buys me, stuff some other relative gifts me, also I do not change it very much because I do not have a washing machine so I have to economize on whats dirty. I think I would like to experiment a bit more with clothing but at the moment I dress like a hobo basically (although probably vagabonds in Usonia dress better since those people threw a lot of new clothes to the trash).