For me it’s first person puzzle games. I can think of maybe a dozen off the top of my head that came out in the last decade. I especially enjoy when they’re open world. The ability to just quit a puzzle that’s stumped you and go try something else for a little bit is incredibly refreshing.
Don’t see a lot of plain fast paced arena shooters these days. There’s The Master Chief Collection which kinda works but also isn’t, you know, new.
Toxikk, but multiplayer playerbase died pretty quickly.
If you’re looking for the Quake brand of arena shooters, I feel like you’re getting a lot of those these days. If you’re looking for the era just after that, which Halo would fall in, I’m also looking for that type of game, so the nostalgia that fuels indie game design is probably only a few years away from delivering us that sort of game again. Maybe that new TimeSplitters or Perfect Dark game will be good.
Quake champions might be of interest
Edit lol just looked at the player counts, maybe not. Eh, I had fun with it for a while though.
There’s been a huge resurgence of boomer shooters and arena shooters in the last 5 or so years. Off the top of my head I can think of Dusk, Ultrakill, Gunfire Reborn, Nightmare Reaper, Roboquest, Warhammer Boltgun, and new Doom (2016/Eternal), all of which get at least an 8/10 from me. There are many more of various quality.
I’m sorry, I should’ve been more specific: Multiplayer Arena Shooters. I’m a Ultrakill evangelist.
Ah, yeah, PvP shooters. Gotcha. Those aren’t really my domain, unfortunately, I don’t have a ton of recommendations there. Overwatch was pretty good for a while, but wasn’t really an arena shooter, and now can’t be recommended.
Anybody else remember the game Sauerbraten? Or was that all just a fever dream I was having round 2012?
I would also like some class based hero shooters that aren’t Blizzard or Paladins TBH. I enjoy being the healer/support more than getting kills (though shooting stuff is also fun) and Valorant or Apex don’t quite scratch that itch
you can actually still find like 4-5 people playing sauer at most times lol, but its only insta ctf. still a great time to load into every now and then if there are enough people on of course
Since you haven’t mentioned Ion Fury, I’m going to add it to that list. Not interesting for PC since they wanted PvP but it’s a great Build engine shooter.