This fucking sucks. I had a leg injury which had handicapped me for years and I finally trained my way out of it a couple of months ago and now I might have a disc herniation.
This is what you get for posting about how your legs kill billionaires.

  • unclesame [none/use name]
    30 days ago

    I just got my back x rayed after about a month of sudden low back pain reminiscent of my spasm two years ago. They weren’t able to tell me which muscle but I’m in a girdle and am doing my best. I wonder if this is my issue!

    I have Medicaid so it’s taking a while to find PT but I do have 16 free sessions I’m looking forward to.

    And I think it’s worth mentioning my roommate’s back just went out AND one of my clients.

    I am so glad I found this.