• Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    9/11 was just my imagination I guess.

    Waitā€¦ no it wasnā€™t. We killed some 940,000 directly and our wars resulted in a cumulative loss of some 4.5 million people.

    Whatā€¦ Americans didnā€™t know we were mucking about in the middle east for decades?

    You think we wouldnā€™t do that now, if we lost ten times as many people?

    ā€¦With Donald Trump as president?

    I didnā€™t ask you if you were a conscientious objector. Unless your name is Donald Trump that means diddly squat. I asked what America would do in that situation if you werenā€™t lying to yourself.

    And when that day comes to pass, do we deserve the death sentence you want to inflict on Israelis? Causeā€¦ we already showed what weā€™d do in those circumstances.

    • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      Dude, youā€™re all over the place. Yeah, I know Manufacturing Consent is a thing. I have literally never advocated for Donald Trump. I advocate for Democratic voters to demand more from their representatives, because thatā€™s fundamental to a democracy

      • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.world
        24 days ago

        Donā€™t change the subject, man.

        What would we do? You know the answer.

        Netanyahu is Israelā€™s Donald Trump. Hamas knew exactly what would happen and did it anyway. Just like you know exactly what would happen if the above scenario happened in America.

        You just donā€™t want to say it. Because that would make you a hypocrite. Because accepting your first position, that we need to leave Israel high and dry, applying the same moral standards to us, you might as well be saying, ā€œDeath to America.ā€

        If you donā€™t wanna go that far, guess what. Youā€™ve got double standards. And that is a moral conundrum only WE have. Most other countries that have a terrorist attack donā€™t invade sovereign nations and murder millions of people.

        When France had their huge terrorist attack, their PM went on stage and said, ā€œThis will not change us.ā€ They still accept more Muslim refugees than we ever will.

        If anyone doesnā€™t get to talk shit, itā€™s us. Especially, ESPECIALLY regarding anything in the middle east, because we engineered the whole thing for our benefit. Abandoning 20 million Jews we propped up specifically to draw aggro for us is cowardly. Denying the reality of what we did because you want to pretend youā€™re really a ā€˜goodā€™ person is laughable.

        You live in a house with potable water that comes out of the tap. You have any idea how insane that sounds to most of the world? Just wasting drinking water like that?

        All the things you take for granted was built on the blood of others. You live in America, get off your high horse. The name of the game is harm mitigation. You want to cosplay a goody-two-shoes? Thatā€™s nice. Tell it to the 4.5 million people that died because we couldnā€™t be bothered to make sure Florida got another thousand Gore votes. If youā€™re an American, youā€™re ruining things for everyone else, just by existing.

        The US has 1/20th of the global population and produces 1/4 of global emissions and waste. 5x the global average. Know those billions that are going to die in places like Africa as global warming accelerates in the coming decades?

        Thatā€™s us.

        So, if you wanna know why I think your phariasaic platitudes are gag inducingly vile, itā€™s because your vapid single-issue hot take is ACTUALLY harmful to humanity as a whole. Republicans should never be in power. And no, you wanting to play brinkmanship with democracy itself at stake isnā€™t funny to anyone actually paying attention.

        Your lifestyle is only possible because of the absolutely heinous shit we visited upon others. You want them to pack up and leave? First find them a place to go.

        Better yet, campaign to bring the 2 million Palestinians HERE. You think people living in Gaza right now wouldnā€™t immediately accept an offer to come live in America?

        Sure, weā€™d have all the problems that we were so eager to inflict on the Israelis. Weā€™ll get bombed, people will die, and weā€™ll probably finally get our share of the terrorist attacks Israel and Europe have been dealing with for decades. But unlike them, weā€™d actually deserve it. And theyā€™d acclimate to secular society a lot faster here than they ever would living there.

        Let Israel have the whole thing, and lets see if that changes a damn thing. It wonā€™t, but at least you will actually learn WHY Jordan and Egypt refuse to accept Palestinian refugees. (Hint: Itā€™s called assassinations and coup attempts)