How are your nights going? Doing anything fun?

  • lilypad [she/her, null/void]
    6 months ago

    If you ever start doing it, let me know because I’d love one.

    Ok what would you want in a midi pad? Number of controls and types, layouts, etc.? Ive been looking at ADC units and especially arduinos (not too keen on doing a 10000 unit order of ADCs lol) which have a multiplexed ADC, so 8 analog inputs plus i could do a grid of digital inputs. One thing I was thinking of was having midi note velocity controlled by a pot or encoder or something, or setting up groups of digital inputs with different velocities.

    I’ve been thinking about getting back into it because I had a lot of fun with it before depression really took over.

    code evangelizing

    If you ever feel like getting into it again, I have never had more fun than with the programming language Common Lisp. Its weird, its old, its incredibly responsive. It has a really easy to understand syntax (imo) which makes code navigation a breeze. It was also doing LSP 30 years before LSP. Its what I love to write and it makes solving problems really easy imo. And if you write good code and use a smart compiler, it can be almost as fast as C (or as fast even, if you (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0) (speed 3))))

    Mental stability is a great feeling. It comes and goes in waves, but those calms are really great

    Yeah yea ive been feeling functional again, and all i can think of is “cool, so im gonna fall back into a deep depression any day now, great, lovely, thats exactly what i wanted”. And friends say “nah just find what hypes you up”, which is a shitty invalidating answer. Makes me not want to be around them.