Trump isn’t an icon of positive masculinity. He also did very little for young men during his four years as president

  • I'll be on
    6 months ago

    Yeah, it’s almost fascinating to see how some people are able to confront some of how the systems we live under oppress and marginalise parts of society, but not if they happen to benefit from a particular system, in which case they will always prioritise their own interests, because, like you say, they’ve never learned any better (in fact, are actively taught the opposite deliberately to ensure the divide remains).

    I generally don’t even bother replying to people like this anymore and just block, but this was so blatant I couldn’t help myself lol, it really brought to mind a couple of points others have already summed up better than I can:

    ID: "When men imagine a female uprising, they imagine a world in which women rule men as men have ruled women." -Sally Kempton.
I feel this is very important.
It's been apparent to me for a while that most men can't really imagine "equality." All they can imagine is having the existing power structure inverted.
I cannot decide whether this shows how unimaginative they are, or shows how aware they must be of what they do in order to so deeply fear having it turned on them

    ID: ramona @gothforbid: i'm so tired of feminists feeling the need to tell men how beneficiary feminism is for them too so they could support feminism, men's incapability of supporting the rights of women without receiving anything in return is part of the problem