Hello! I need to create a VM and passthrought some host USB port to it. Sadly libvirt doesn’t support QEMU built-in feature to use -hostport argument (which was added 10 years ago…). I tried to add custom arguments to domain (qemu:commandline) but this didn’t work. When I just run qemu-system-x86_64 -device host-usb,hostbus=X,hostport=Y -usb everything works well. It seems like libvirt restricts some QEMU actions. How can I fix this? OS: Debian 12
I found this. I didn’t look at the code at all but the Readme mentions another project that might help.
Uh probably not that helpful but I am somewhat sure that this was super easy to do from virt-manager (on Arch qemu & kvm, virtualizing Tiny11 )
No, this is not possible. Virt-manager is just a GUI over libvirt. For now libvirt doesn’t support USB passthrought by port id, only by device id (which changes on each plug) or vendor id.