• @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
      11 year ago

      IMO it’s an american thing. The society there is obsessed with race.

      No matter what the issue is, somehow somebody will make a connection with race. It’s really striking once you listen to enough conversation from there.

      The word master has a lot of meanings, but one of them has racial connotations, in a context unrelated to git branches.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlOP
    4 years ago

    My opinion? Meaningless token action, basically a PR stunt. If they actually want to fight racism, this energy would have been better spent on more useful ways of doing it.

    • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
      14 years ago

      On the other hand, this doesnt have any negative consequences. In the worst case, it will do nothing but piss off right-wingers, and then it would still be worth the effort for me.

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlOP
        4 years ago

        Assuming this is intended to be a publicity stunt, my biggest problem with this is that they’re using a massive issue like racism as essentially a marketing tool. IMO this waters down the importance of the issue and is all around disrespectful.

      • @lordofbud@lemmy.ml
        04 years ago

        “In the worst case, it will do nothing but piss off right-wingers, and then it would still be worth the effort for me.”

        And do you expect it to change their minds? Because pissing people rarely does. Pissing people off closes their minds to you and the influence you might have had. Oblivious meaningless pandering just makes everyone roll their eyes.

        The word master has had and still has meaning completely unrelated to human slavery, pretending one use of the word should dictate the ability to use all other uses is asinine.

        • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
          14 years ago

          Its probably not possible to change their mind, so I’m happy if they stay as far away as possible.

  • @skrlet13@lemmy.ml
    14 years ago

    I know you Microsoft, I know this is just a PR move and you won’t do anything else to challenge racism (considering all the power you have).

    It’s a good move, but I know that coming from Microsoft is not sincere.

  • @wraptile@lemmy.ml
    14 years ago

    I honestly hate how america centric internet has become. Seems like every context is considered from american culture even though there are 7 billion more people on the planet.

    The rest of the world doesn’t really care about your internal politics. Don’t change international standards because of some cultural issues in your home.

    Also human trafficking is real world slavery that enslaves more people in a single year than in entire history of american slavery. How about we start from there and get rid of the word traffic?

    • Maya
      14 years ago

      Github is an American company acquired by Microsoft which is an American company. Feel free to name your branches whatever is appropriate to your cultural context

    • @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
      04 years ago

      I honestly hate how america centric internet has become. Seems like every context is considered from american culture even though there are 7 billion more people on the planet.

      nah, you’re just browsing the wrongs parts of the internet if you’ve gotten such impression :)

  • Ephera
    04 years ago

    This is some really dumb shit. This use of “master” has nothing to do with slavery. Practically all uses of “master” have nothing to do with it. But let’s just break all kinds of scripts anyways, for a fucking PR stunt.

  • @falx@lemmy.ml
    04 years ago

    What’s next? Master/slave replicas should also be renamed, right? What about client/server? Black/white-listing? This is really dumb

    • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
      14 years ago

      Actually, black/whiteliste was one of the cases where i didn’t notice the negative connotation before, but it is obviously true. the subtle negative connotation leads to stigmatization. So i like it.

      i think client/server is fine, it doesn’t have a colonial connotation.

      • @falx@lemmy.ml
        4 years ago

        Is this really a good way to move forward? Rename everything and pretend like it did not happen? It feels like this kind of approach is just hiding things under the carpet. Renaming things that may have negative connotations due to a troubled history is too extreme form of censorship (similar to book burning) and a bit lazy IMHO.

        All these technical terms are very descriptive of the concepts they abstract, (eg. it could be argued that black/white-listing is in relation to physical light and how it reflects off white and gets absorbed by black).

        Disclaimer: I am culturally very far away from the colonial history so I may be a bit biased when I say renaming things like that is just dumb.

        • @SirLotsaLocks@lemmy.ml
          14 years ago

          I dont get this “pretend it didn’t happen” thing people like to push these kinds of changes as, because they are actively admitting that bad things did happen and they would like to avoid associating themselves and normalizing the idea of something as horrible as slavery and instead use objectively clearer and language and terms less rooted in historical trauma.

        • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
          04 years ago
          • There exist alternatives that also are very descriptive of the concepts they abstract

          • the point is not to pretend it did not happen, it is to avoid the subtle negative connotation. When one has no experience with black people but works a lot in tech, the term “blacklist” will form the opinion and behavior regarding black people. This person will think it is more likely, black people do negative things like robbery, etc.

          • the person alice hasters who has written at length on this topic germany cites one example, where she was on a market and wanted to look at stuff to buy, but the selling person thought alice intended to rob him. So he shouted alice should go away. When alice said she was interested to buy things and even has a white person besides her to “prove” that she was not intended to rob him, he was fine with it. But he didn’t even excuse himself for this language. Such things are more likely when terms like whitelist is used for positive things and blacklist is used for negative things. Because the color black is not inherently bad, so why is a blacklist bad?

          • I also suggest to read the draft: https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-knodel-terminology-00.html where these things are explained.

          • @falx@lemmy.ml
            04 years ago

            As for the anecdote in your third bullet point: instead of renaming black/white-list terms to something else, what if we actually educate that shop owner about racism and why it is idiotic and evil to discriminate against a person because of their skin color?

            • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
              4 years ago
              1. it doesn’t work, usually. When you go to people and call them racist, they will go defensive. Very few people actually think about this and try to find out what was racist and how they could improve. This is the experience of many marginalized groups, be it people who suffer sexism, racism, ableism, etc.

              So because racism and being racist is rather severe, people usually refuse to acknowledge it, the first time. So a common response when people are confronted about a subtle racist stereotype is to say that they have a black friend or had a black girlfriend, and therefore can’t be racist. So they understand the “hey, you are here a little racist” as “hey, you’re racist, nazi”. They don’t see that racism can be subtle.

              1. the point i’m trying to make is that racism is much more widespread than people usually believe. This is one of the thousand examples black people have to prove such things. So of course, we should work on that as a society and educate that. And one way of educating that is to provoke a public discussion about such terms as blackness/whiteness, maybe we slowly get to the point where the majority of the society listens and believes black experiences (which we currently don’t, mostly). And the other important point is to remove the subtle association of “black/dark = bad” which a blacklist has. So the idea is to especially educate further tech-generations.
              • @falx@lemmy.ml
                14 years ago

                I concede to your second point, and I am starting to see why black/white-list can be a sensitive term and just trying to change the connotation like I suggested somewhere above is not tractable.

                I still think that education is key. Not going outright and calling people racist, that is counterproductive I wholeheartedly agree. But instilling in them from a younger age the evil of racism instead.