• So I’ve been thinking, if I was in these folks shoes, what should I be doing?

    I think the Uncommitted movement nailed it on the head: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/19/harris-uncommitted-movement-declines-endorse

    tldr - the stupid FPTP system in the US means we effectively are stuck between two candidates, GOP and Dem, and of the two, the GOP one would be much much worse. So without endorsing they still recommend voting for the Dem candidate for President - while also voting down the ballot for candidates who better represent their views (and might be able to make the future President listen or at least rein the President in - e.g. enough Dem House Reps might be able to table a future bill to increase arms sales to Israel).

    • BlameThePeacock@lemmy.ca
      8 days ago

      The most useful thing individuals can do to change or enact specific policy is to get involved in party politics, because the party platforms are decided internally and either becoming a party delegate, or working to garner votes from delegates for particular policies actually works.