Rep.Ā Matt GaetzĀ was at a 2017 party with a 17-year-old girl at the heart of anĀ alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed Thursday.

The filings cite affidavits based on three witness testimoniesā€”which remain sealedā€”which put the Florida congressman at the party, according toĀ Notus. One witness cited by the filings says the girl, a high school junior, was naked and said people were there to ā€œengage in sexual activitiesā€ while drugs including cocaine and ecstasy were present.

The documents were filed by lawyers trying to recoup legal fees in a lawsuit filed byĀ Chris Dorworthā€”a lobbyist friend of Gaetzā€™s who hosted the alleged party at his Florida home.

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      13 hours ago

      Itā€™s so close. If only the GOP could produce one politician who merely had a history of going to wild consensual drug-filled sex parties. But no, there always seems to be freaking children involved. What the fuck.

      Also, fuck cocaine. Fuck people who take cocaine as a party drug. Fuck people who think it only hurts themselves. it has fucked up an entire fucking continent and caused immeasurable damage. And everybody knows it. Drug cartels are financed by the consumers, and the users are smug rich people who have every reason to know better. Itā€™s not even an interesting drug.

      Fuck yourself up with synthetic stuff, eat shrooms or lick toads, grow as much weed as you can possibly manage. I donā€™t give a fuck. But cocaineā€¦ Nah, fuck that shit.