This is from the last election in 2020. How fun that it’s still relevant!
I feel the indecision is really just “I’m not sure if I am ready to identify as a 21st century Nazi or not just yet”
They could be willfully ignorant, which isn’t necessarily better because it takes a lot of work nowadays.
“I demand a 3rd choice! Not having the surgery is also an option, right?”
Which would be analogous to… anarchy?
… Which would be based!
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In other words, you are going to let every other patient in the hospital choose your surgeon for you.
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I’m all for eliminating the two party regime. Voting third party in this election doesnt do that though. Best case scenario, a third party rises up in popularity, displaces one of the major parties, and takes its place as part of a new two party system, and eventually becomes as polarized as the party it replaced. It is inevitable in FPTP voting systems because the alternative is to have ideologically similar parties spoil the vote for one another so that neither ever wins any election again. Nuance does not exist in FPTP, as shitty as that is.
Instead of just voting 3rd party under FPTP, advocate for voting system reform like I do. Ranked Choice, Approval voting, etc. They are all objectively better than FPTP. They offer you the ability to vote for your most preferred candidates with less or no spoiler effect. Even in the worst case scenario in those systems, where every single person votes cynically for only a single candidate to “maximize” their candidate’s chances over similar candidates, that is still functionally identical to just returning to FPTP. Yes, our current system is literally the worst outcome of other systems. There has been some traction with this recently. As of 2022, 62 jurisdictions in the US adopted Ranked Choice voting. If everyone gets on board and calls for these reforms, they can and will eventually happen.
But as it is now, best case is your 3rd party vote wont make any difference and whoever was gonna win anyway wins without your vote. Worst case is your lack of vote for your preferred major party candidate contributes to the win of your least preferred candidate. It’s your vote, do what you will. But don’t pretend like the rest of us are rubes for behaving rationally with the existing voting system.
False equivalencies aside, I want the country run by a proven business man (yeah, you might not agree with his business practices, but they are tried and true (as much as you change that opinion based on whether or not you hate him.Trump is Schrödinger’s Billionaire)).
What I don’t want is yet another politically curated, Ivey League insider. I want to go back to voting in a regular ass person. Unfortunately, that means a rich regular ass person (because that’s how our country works).
a proven business man
Citation needed.
False equivalencies aside, I want the country run by a […] business man
Why? O.o
yeah, you might not agree with his business practices
The state of New York certainly hasn’t when courts punished him for stealing from a charity he ran, or when they punished him for running a university that wasn’t actually a university, or when they punished him for lying about the worth of his assets to obtain loans he wouldn’t have qualified for.
What? Proven business failure maybe. Bankrupting a casino. Getting vig on daddies dime and then grifting and scheming to get ahead.
The fact you can look at someone that consistently kicks down and think “hell yeah” says a lot about you as a person. The fact you have listened to his facist calls to arms and still want him, says it all.
You will probably wear one of them maga hats don’t you?
Government is not a business, you can’t run it the same way. Government is there to provide the services that are specifically not profitable.
Yeah, to quote Lincoln:
“The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves—in their separate, and individual capacities”
Trump bankrupted himself 6 times, he has had effectively infinite lawsuits against him, etc. He’s basically the worst businessman to exist. And besides, the country is not business.
Second, not voting for the lesser evil means that evil wins. We’re all tired of the political establishment but it’s not going to change when the first past the post system is still here. Flat out won’t.
And as a quick reminder, I may have read in between the lines wrong here, not voting under this system means that candidates will just move away from your ideology to gain more reliable votes. Which is actually why Trump became a thing – because the racists and “not” racists are a more powerful voting base. And people like you “don’t have a choice” to vote for anyone else. Instead of the other way around like it was before.
you might not agree with his business practices, but they are tried and true
People just taking bait like it’s free candy in a white van.
LOL what a clown.
Great username. Obviously a very creative intelligent person.