So I recently made a post where I said that my uncle was letting avocados go to waste, and some of you said that I should give them away which I think is a good idea. I started thinking about how to do it, and I thought of some ways to do it:

First plan:

  • Go outside and search for homeless people so I know where they usually are to give them avocados later.
  • Ask my uncle to go to the field (and bring a backpack to fill with avocados).
  • Ask if I can keep the avocados with imperfections since they are going to rot anyway.
  • Casually approach homeless person
  • Give avocados

However I see some problems with this plan:

  • I already did the first step but couldn’t find any homeless people.
  • My uncle might not let me get the avocados.
  • The whole getting avocados in a backpack, going outside and when I come back there are no avocados on backpack thing is sussy af.
  • How do you open an avocado without a knife? Or eat it without a spoon?

So I thought of this:

  • Just tell my grandmother that a lot of avocados are going to waste and ask her if we could give them to the poor (she once praised me for giving 5€ to a homeless person and she doesn’t like to waste food, so I don’t think she would say no)

I think the second plan is way less sussy and I would have my family actually backing me up. Also I don’t think they would connect feeding the poor with communism so I don’t think I would be found out as a communist.

What do you think? Should I go with the second plan? Is there an easier way of giving the avocados away? Any advice is appreciated. And thanks for reading!

    2 years ago

    If the second plan allows you to give more back then I’d say go with the second plan.

    Its all about knowing what you can do within the material conditions you are presented with.

    Any good is better than no good so for now, don’t sweat the details and do what can help 😊