well actually revolt has a matrix bridge to their discord server then their discord server to revolt. So matrix messenges are bridged twice
I have no idea on how it works but I found this in their roadmap https://trello.com/c/xiTaKb2b/27-discord-compatibility-layer
Interesting. Any details on how this works? Is this a open source bridge, or does the Revolt.chat server do s2s for matrix natively?
well actually revolt has a matrix bridge to their discord server then their discord server to revolt. So matrix messenges are bridged twice I have no idea on how it works but I found this in their roadmap https://trello.com/c/xiTaKb2b/27-discord-compatibility-layer
Ah, that is a bit disappointing as the Matrix-Discord bridge is pretty buggy.
yea but it has seem to working fine currently, i think they are natively integrating their own bridge