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sick kids
Apparently our pediatrics unit isn’t the only place getting overloaded, it’s the whole hospital and every hospital in the health zone I’m in. We’re only just now getting our big wave of peds patients on top of everything else. I dunno how many calls from desperate parents I’ve had to tell to either get in their pediatricians office, a walk in or if they think it’s a true emergency to go to the ER. There’s no secret back door to get your kid in to our unit, I know it’s a long wait and they might send you home without much, there’s literally no spac, for example, for your kid with 3 months of chronic diarrhea because there’s 3 emergency appys, there’s 4 kids on oxygen, two on airvo, one with epiglottis, three to be admitted from other rural emergencies including one who should’ve been sent to the big city but they’re full too etc etc. We don’t have room unless your kid absolutely needs 24/7 nursing care. It’s so frustrating, I’m used to a higher standard of care for the community.
And it sounds like it’s like this every unit in every hospital. And we’re due for strike after February. Good luck
Also super frustrating that my coworkers aren’t picking up for sick calls. We have 5 casuals, I don’t think one of them has picked up since the summer