I should’ve used it sooner rather than last year when they announced AI integration to Windows. Every peripheral I tried is just worked without needing to install drivers, and it works better and faster than on Windows, just like today when I tried to use my brother’s 3D printer expecting disappointment, but no, it just connected and was ready to print right away (I use Ultimaker Cura), whereas on my brother’s Windows computer I have to wait like 20 seconds; sometimes I have to disconnect and reconnect it again for it to see and ready to use. Lastly, for those who are wondering, I use Vanilla Arch (btw), and sorry for bad English.

  • Mia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 month ago

    American culture is one of the few I’ve found to be actively “anti-knowledge”. It’s not just their educational system being bad, it’s a genuine cultural tendency of not just dismissing experts, but straight out refusing to learn and snobbing those who do.

    • BCsven@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      We have somewhat similar in Canada, not as dreadful as USA, but still what you would say anti-knowledge.

      I saw this in gradeschool, kids actually trying to learn and better themselves were bullies and labeled brown-noser losers.

      At University the Uni newspaper editors would dumb down articles purposely, since they thought the general reader may not understand the topic fully ( which defeats the purpose of knowledge articles ).

      And random times. Some guy talking about making his tent lines taut, and the rest laughing saying you mean tight. And him saying , no tension on a rope or cable is taut, tight is for fastening bolts, etc. Then everyone being “yeah whatever idiot”

      And overseas teenage relatives visiting , knowing 4-5 languages, and saying “Sorry, my English is not the best” and me trying to explain it is way better than half of the coworkers I have who only speak English. And then trying to explain to a teenager that these full grown adults have no desire to learn correct terms, grammar, spelling or punctuation.

      Trying to read my wife’s family’s facebook posts is like a course in stroke cryptography.

    • Bilb!@lem.monster
      1 month ago

      Anti-intellectualism seems to be resurgent in recent years. Its the worst I’ve seen since the Bush 2 era, and it’s all pevasive.