This is a gutting of the scientific research establishment which has created much of American prosperity since World War II, when the US used the promise of survival and stable funding to lure academics from Germany.
Further confusing the situation, it is uncertain that President Trump has the authority to unilaterally halt government funds allocated by Congress. Under Constitutional separation of powers, Congress passes spending bills, and the president executes the law as it is written.
Get fucked NYT this waffling fucking language is what enables this. It is certain he doesn’t have the authority, and not being able to say so is allowing Trump to dictate the terms of how our fucking government works.
who’s gonna stop him?
this congress?
this scotus?
That’s completely missing the point. The point is the press has been talking like this since 2015. They have given him every avenue to just pretend this is how things work. It has only gotten to this point due to this kind of waffling bullshit not willing to call a spade a spade.
It’s not about the fact that no one is going to stop him, we haven’t even had a press that’s been willing to point out that he doesn’t have these powers for almost ten fucking years now.
Because guess who owns the press.
C Montgomery Burns
Good news: People are starting to become aware of the class war that has been going on for the past 50 years.
Bad news: We lost that class war.
You may be underestimating the amount of the US economy directly or indirectly impacted by a freeze like this. This is a big deal not just because it’s usurping powers, but for simple economic reasons. Lots of rich people and Republican representatives that can’t be too happy about this. They want MAGA nonsense to be distracting people so they can get big fat tax cuts, not actually be hurting their business interests.
I mean, maybe when they stop getting paid and the lights at the government buildings get turned off?
The milquetoast whitewashing of Trump’s transgressions are really all itll take for him to be successful in destroying this country. If our media apparatuses fail to mobilize us, we’ll be an easy herd to thin.
The parallels to our Media and the media of Germany before Hitler took over is frighteningly similar.
The parallels to our Media and the media of Germany before Hitler took over is frighteningly similar.
It’s the Faithful Execution Clause (Article 2, Section 3, Clause 5) and he’s absolutely violating it.
What’s the remedy though? Likely a Russian-ectomy from the GOP to actually stand up to him. Even if SCOTUS rules against Trump they have no method of enforcement. I wonder if SCOTUS should have any kind of power to impeach or even expell a President (high bar, maybe unanimous decision).
Get fucked NYT this waffling fucking language is what enables this. It is certain he doesn’t have the authority, and not being able to say so is allowing Trump to dictate the terms of how our fucking government works.
Biden could have acted like this too. He would have been shot down by the courts, but there would be precedent so that trump couldn’t.
I wonder how bad it will get before a single Trump voter realizes what they’ve done.
I’ve got a friend who’s a trumper (he didn’t vote tho and his county was blue) and I think he’s almost there. But nobody wants to be wrong.
I’ve got a friend who’s a trumper
I still don’t understand this statement
It’s really really easy to just think the entire voting group of his are nazi fascists who wanted all the terrible things he’s going to do, but the sad reality is that so many of them are just fucking stupid and just didn’t consume the right kinds of media (ie they only got the propaganda) and thus don’t know what’s going on.
That’s his problem. Dumb as a motherfucker and gets his news from Facebook and TikTok. He’s still a good dude though.
Hopefully you can snap him out of it by annoying him about it as shit starts tanking.
It’s really really easy to just think the entire voting group of his are nazi fascists who wanted all the terrible things he’s going to do
Describes all the trumpers in my sphere.
I’m not saying that those people don’t exist. But there’s also just stupid morons who got duped.
Fair, I was just feeling extra saucy about all this bullshit this morning. Sorry.
Can confirm, every dumbfuck I was friends with (EXCEPT, SOMEHOW, THE DUMBEST OF THEM ALL) turned into a trumpette. I dont talk to them much anymore, one was a real Nazi (ditched him), one is just fed the shit by his parents, and the third is a gamer but a loud self-proclaimed christian gay man. Its just the dumbest shit you ever seen. Icing on the cake is the dude that lowers your IQ simply by speaking like a cartoon fascimally of a dumb person voted Kamala and I never clapped so hard in my life when his two brain cells rubbed together to say “The stuff Trump had to say just sounded like Hitler.” Absolutely incredible.
I don’t understand this statement. Are your only friends people you agree with 100% on all things? That must get boring, what do you even talk about?
I have friends that voted for Trump. Not many but a couple. Am I friends with all Republicans? No just like I’m not friends with all democrats.
In order to radicalize someone, one of the first steps is cutting them off from people that disagree with what you are trying to teach/preach/say. When you pre emptivly do their cutting of for these republican friends/ family you are just leaving them in an echo chamber of hate/racism. Believe it out not, like what some others have said, not all republican voters are bad people.
No, but there are certain important things that I do hold very important and would struggle to connect with someone on if they disagree.
I believe America is the country of second chances, the land where if you want to get educated it will be available to you on fair terms, and so forth.
Now we’re training teachers on how to damage efforts by ICE to detain the children of migrants at school to coerce and deport. That’s not my vision for America, it’s not right and I don’t respect anyone who thinks it is.
I mean, that’s just how people decide on who to be friends with right? I’m more likely to be friends with people that like camping and bonfires than people that like formula one. Do I have friends that like formula one? Sure.
I’m more likely to be friends with democrats but I do have a couple of republican friends.
My dude… I can theoretically be compatible with someone on literally every point except detaining innocent children, and that’s a deal breaker. We’ll never be friends.
Maybe there’s not enough selection of people around you, maybe it’s just not important to you (which bums me out) but it’s your life.
Hurting innocent people is 110% shitty, I don’t care who’s doing it.
I hear you, but not all Republicans support that. Are you a democrat, Do you support the genocide in Gaza? Are you independent? Then do you not care about either Gaza or kids being detained? Are you a different party? Do you agree with everything your pay does?
I also get everyone has something that will cause them to not be friends with people. That’s your choice and I’m not saying you have to be friends with people. Just don’t be a hypocrite and pick one, two, or five things and hate an entire group of people because of it.
I hate 30% of what Christians have done or stand for. It doesn’t mean I hate all Christians. But that is a choice that I have made.
What do you even talk about.
Retro video games, modern video games, toy collecting, programming, Star Trak, classic movies, basically, all sorts of super inconsequential shit because they are my friends and not people I need to argue with. Also, no one gives a shit what others outside the circle are doing so long as its not harmful.
Unfortunately, we have a large group of people who literally only want to argue and do harm. At this point, I would argue all Republicans are bad people. If you are just a boring normal Conservative, the Democratic Party is right there, being boring and Conservative.
I believe you are missing the point by latching on to one sentence and replying to that instead of the concept.
You are as wrong about them all being bad as they are saying all democrats are bad.
Nah. They had his first term to figure it out. Then they had every time he’s opened his mouth since then, the 2020 debates, the 2024 campaign, all the news about Project 2025, the JD Vance “I will lie if that’s what it takes” moment, and so very many more.
And when Trump looked like he might be imploding a few months ago, they all started jumping ship, and distancing themselves. And the moment he was back in power the sucking up began again.
Oh, you meant the folks who aren’t in office who only voted for him?
How many of them spent his first term writing to their Republican representatives complaining about them being in bed with white nationalists? How many of them registered their displeasure about project 2025? How many of them wrote in to tell their representatives that the lies about the 2020 election were destroying the nation? How many wrote in to tell off their representatives for objecting to the certification of the 2020 election? How many wrote in to complain when every single Republican in the House of Representatives voted against investigating the penetration of white nationalists into the military and law enforcement? How many wrote in to stand up for Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, and Mitt Romney, all of whom I also don’t like, but who were the only R to speak truth to power in his first term?
A vanishingly small percentage, that’s how many. Because if it weren’t, this wouldn’t be true:
We have had eight+ years of evidence and full display about how Trump and the GOP are exactly the assholes they say they are.
That is even completely discounting decades before. Trump in particular has always been a fucking scam artist asshole.
Anyone still supporting this shit, is a fucking asshole.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my freedom”.
🎶Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…🎶
They won’t. They will literally blame everything else but him. He could storm into their house, kick their dog, shit on their head, and still post on Facebook how it wasn’t him.
“Yeah, but that event was taken out of context!” Or “Well, yeah, he did and said those things, but that’s not what he meant!”
Fuckin’ Biden!
Relax, they’ve already been convinced that all scientists do nowadays is autism vaccines and gender
It’s all about vibes. They don’t care too much about what actually happens.
Never. The stupidity and need to be a victim will never allow them to admit they’re idiots who screwed America over.
My friend told me his dad called him and started complaining about Trump. He used to be a Democrat, but had progressively gotten more right-wing in the past decade or so. So looks like, 1 week.
77,284,117 to go…
Ignorance is bliss, they don’t care enough to pay attention.
He has absolute power unless someone steps up and says no. Regardless of its legality (hint: this is illegal), it will happen if Congress or SCOTUS does nothing to stop it.
I wish the fucking military would arrest him. It’s about our only hope left, and a shitty one at that.
And then military dictatorship will start… nice
It was just HHS a few days ago… Then it came for NSF… Then this happened
I know the official memo claims this is “temporary” but there is literally no way this would end well. Heck there was at least one clinical trial terminated because of the “temporary” HHS pause, and this burden is on the entire country now
I envisioned for the worst when Trump was elected… and somehow this administration has managed to exceed some of my wildest expectations
I thought it would all be slower, so there is less risk of immediately crashing the economy… Apparently not.
Gotta crash the economy so the rich can swoop in and collect the last of the holdputs whonstill own homes instead of rent.
Thankfully a federal judge blocked this from taking affect for all open awards until Monday. This gives time for other lawsuits to be filled to block it completely, as this is entirely unconstitutional.
Well good luck to those 65% of veterans who voted for trump and were trying to buy a house.
The schadenfreude is delicious.
I keep hearing that word in the three body problem novels I’m listening to. Thanks for spelling it out so I can look it up 🤣
It’s German. Means “Dark Humor”.
It is German, but it does not mean “Dark Humor”:
Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də]; literal translation “harm-joy”) is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another.
Lots of my academic friends are real worried, particularly those who are paid entirely with grants…
It’s a fast timetable too. This isn’t a “continue on and we’ll figure things out”, it could be “don’t come to work tomorrow and good luck with rent”.
Does it actually stop disbursement of funds, or just new grants? I am confused.
There are a few active discussions on Reddit/Bluesky… I think the short answer is none of us are really sure. However, I read comments saying that language from the memo seems to suggest that they would stop disbursement of funds, which would be the absolute worst case scenario (since that would straight up terminate a lot of ppl’s jobs)
If there’s any lawyer here who can parse/interpret the original memo I’d appreciate some insights…
Elect a clown, expect a circus.
Just a temper tantrum.
Can’t even deliver on the promise of a strongman with this whiny baby shit.
As much as I want to write him off like I have for years, now the despot has actionable power and is actively hurting people.
Just a temper tantrum that will hurt a lot of people.