Let’s see:
entrance is the heaven meme, showing celebs who died that year. To the left Letterman is handing the keys to his show over to Colbert. Above that there’s some babies with guns that has something to do with Gawker? [Edit: found this article about it]. David Cameron is doing his thing with a pig and above him the supreme court did something good for the gays alongside Narcos and some other TV shows. Close to that Reddit is hitting a panic button, which I don’t know what is about but maybe that celebrity nude leak?
In the middle there’s water because: Aquarium broke, interstellar, water on mars and I think refugees.
Free the nipple the nipple is next to that dress that broke my brain until a month ago
Birdman won an oscar (it’s a good movie go watch it)
Charlie Hebdo got what it deserves, sadly the rest of Paris got hit with collateral
Left shark.
Ronda rousey was still beloved
netflix and chill entered the vocabulary.
Dentist shot a lion
Iran got nuclear power or something
Star wars is back
Deflategate and tom Brady.
One Direction split up.
GoT was still a thing.
Adele had that hit.
mad max fury road became one of my favourite movies.
FIFA corruption scandal with Sepp Bladder i think his name is.
Pizza rat.
The US learned about the austerity measures that hit Greece in 2008?
Let’s see:
entrance is the heaven meme, showing celebs who died that year. To the left Letterman is handing the keys to his show over to Colbert. Above that there’s some babies with guns that has something to do with Gawker? [Edit: found this article about it]. David Cameron is doing his thing with a pig and above him the supreme court did something good for the gays alongside Narcos and some other TV shows. Close to that Reddit is hitting a panic button, which I don’t know what is about but maybe that celebrity nude leak?
In the middle there’s water because: Aquarium broke, interstellar, water on mars and I think refugees.