Army officials are exploring ways to rename Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg without violating laws prohibiting Confederate names.
Fort Bragg, originally named after Confederate General Braxton Bragg, was changed in 2023 following a congressional mandate. Trump vowed to reverse the change, and Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has fueled speculation.
One option under consideration is renaming it after another soldier named Bragg.
Costs for the initial renaming exceeded $6 million.
Because these things are important.
Well, how would you make eggs affordable then? /s
They are to fascists.
Can’t have people thinking something like “liberty” is actually achievable. Better to have slave owning, anti equality, morally dubious, women raping, and pro oligarchy symbols on military institutions so people know what’s coming.
Given how these asshats have tried to appropriate terms like liberty (and freedom, and patriotism, and liberalism, and on and on) you’d think they would be okay with it called “Fort Liberty”.
I mean, look at “Liberty University” - that place is in no way interested in liberty in any meaning of the term that normal people understand liberty to mean.
Why not name it after this guy? He seemed to be a pretty good soldier
Why do thier stories always turn out so sad? Received every US award and a couple from other countries, but still died with money problems and PTSD.
Because as much as Americans cosplay caring about wounded veterans, the truth is that they are just the slag byproduct of the profitability of war. A token effort is made to placate the loudest of them while the rest are quietly pushed into the dim corners of our economy, being told they should be proud of their minimum wage job at Home Depot while they privately drink themselves to death.
Bingo. Republicans love sending them to get fucked up and hate taking care of the survivors. The democrats at least keep the lights on at VA clinics but that pales in comparison to the slashing of funds by the Republicans.
Only 18% of veterans get all of the benefits they’re entitled to.
Isn’t it weird how the monsters on the right use phrases like “support the troops” in nearly the exact fucking opposite way most people would interpret that to mean?
In their use of that term, it’s aimed at anyone taking issue with the foreign adventures some Republican President is scheming to get us into…as far as actually supporting them once they are used up and thrown away, well fuck that, I guess.
If we can’t name things after traitors and enemies we’ll never be able to name anything after Trump.
It’s Fayetteville. Call it what it is…fort shithole.
If they change it back under Trusk, it’d be unambiguously and unapologetically to the Confederate general.
If only the North had spent some time on utterly crushing, and then de-nazifying (or de-magafying in today’s parlance), and then spending lots of money on re-educating the children - since many of the parents were probably a lost cause - the South after the Civil War. And putting lots and lots of laws in place to keep them from honoring any of these fucking traitors in any way.
I really do wonder how many people that set up Germany post WWII set things up in that way by learning lessons from the history of the American South…
They were not so thoroughly defeated to be utterly crushed. And you forgot that the North wasn’t too different.
That one group of people today chooses one role model from the past, and the other another, doesn’t mean anything here is about the past. Not that past anyway, Reagan perhaps.
About Germany - it was divided in two parts, one received your proposed treatment, another didn’t (the baddies were in fact given a lot of important posts and weren’t really prosecuted, also till early 70s polls showed the opinion that National Socialism is a good ideology as pretty common). One has a lot of neo-Nazis and conservatives now, another doesn’t. The one that didn’t receive your treatment doesn’t. This shows that you can’t force people to think the way you want.
Oh “the Army” is, is “the Army”?
Maaaan- Fuck “the Army”.