Same. Seems pretty normal in some parts. “Straight” seems much more like an insult. Not that there is anything wrong with being straight, but, like, uh, you know?
Yeah. What the fuck is wrong with the straights? They’re so… normal. Why… why? That’s so boring. I guess if that’s what you’re into then cool, but like, keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear about how normal you are, just be colorful in public and you can be normal at home.
I regularly say “that’s so gay” as a compliment
Same. Seems pretty normal in some parts. “Straight” seems much more like an insult. Not that there is anything wrong with being straight, but, like, uh, you know?
Yeah. What the fuck is wrong with the straights? They’re so… normal. Why… why? That’s so boring. I guess if that’s what you’re into then cool, but like, keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear about how normal you are, just be colorful in public and you can be normal at home.