A federal judge warned of “consequences” if the Trump administration violated court orders, but did not specify what those consequences would be or what it would take for the judge to enact them.
A federal judge warned of “consequences” if the Trump administration violated court orders, but did not specify what those consequences would be or what it would take for the judge to enact them.
Anyone wanna guess what those “Consequences” are going to be?
Makes you wish the shooter had practiced more.
On the one hand, yeah. On the other hand, would it somehow unleash Stephen Miller even more?
No. None of these other chuds had nearly 20 or 30 years of media whitewashing them like Trump had. Stephen Miller is practically date rape incarnate. As Steve Bannon is what alcoholism would be if it were a person.
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Theoretically, you can still sue the office of the President, just not Trump himself.
So, you know. You can cost the taxpayers money, but not the person making the terrible costly decisions
Whichever way it works. The end result is the same.