Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Thursday.
Other Nordic countries are also once again at the top of the happiness rankings in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the top four and in the same order.
Country rankings were based on answers people give when asked to rate their own lives. The study was done in partnership with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.
You’re obtuse and just pretend that you can’t deduce anything from anything I’ve said or any of the photos shown.
That’s exactly the problem. You’d rather pretend like you literally went blind and have absolutely no reasoning ability whatsoever than accept than a one Finnish authorities may have purposefully broken laws.
There’s plenty of cases where Finnish authorities have purposefully broken laws. I don’t really have trouble with believing them. Doesn’t mean I believe every accusation of it though.
You delude yourself so badly it’s pathetic.
Youre literally still not accepting criticism or giving an alternative explanation.
Sä oot säälittävä ja joka ikinen suomalainen käyttäytyy samal taval ku sinä ja kukaan teistä ei myönnä sitä. Mun oma vitun mutsi samanlaine “en mä tiedä mitä siel tapahtu.” Tiedätpä. Mä just kerroin ja näytin valokuvia. Lopeta todellisuudelta juokseminen.
“I’m not refusing to do the thing I’ve ignored, run away from, pretender doesn’t exist, and sorely just am afraid of. But I’m not all that, because it’s doesn’t matter what reality is, only matter what I, Pissdick Shitpants say reality is. And I’m saying it’s not what it is. I can’t offer an explanation, but reality isn’t real. Cops in Finland don’t torture and I knows this because… I read an article saying Finland is the happiest country in the world and the word of Iltalehti is law and 100% true.”
It’s just that your pictures or story don’t prove what you’re claiming. Nothing more to it.
They do, and I’ve more proof.
You’re just too afraid to accept reality.
You’re not trying to deceive me, you’re deceiving yourself.
So what, I made those photos? Or you think it’s okay for someone to be deprived medical attention for days while under supervision for “their safety”? Or you’re just ignoring reality because you’re a paskahousu?
There are no other options.
Pick one.
I’m sorry but there might be a reason that others have thought they don’t prove what you hope they prove (as in, torture).
Also, why is this whole thing now about this one thing
I’m literally just repeating myself because of how obtuse and self-deceiving you are.
The Finnish aren’t the happiest country in the world by a mile, we have one of the psychologically sickest populations there is. And the endemic part is the ignoring of that.
Which is what you’re exemplifying.
You literally can’t propose a single legal thing that may have happened, you have no explanation, no idea, no suggestions, not even wild guesses.
The only thing you can do is stomp your foot while going "no no no no no no not true there’s no flaw in Finland. Actually, I even refuse to admit that I have the flaw of refusing to admit to faults by lying and saying I am okay with them while absolutely closing my eyes to the pile of shit that the government did.
You can’t give an alternative yet refuse to accept it. That’s known as a itkupotkuraivari, paskahousu.
We all are lying to ourselves and you are awake
You see lying to yourself.
Why do you keep ignoring my questions? Why do you keep stomping your foot “no that’s not possible”. Why do you asininely pretend that you didn’t see 90% of the things I wrote.
Because you’re not trying to lie to me, but to you.
Prove me wrong and give me ANY explanation for those photos and what I’ve told you. Legal one.
But you can’t, because you’re a reality avoiding emotionally stunted person who wishes to live in their lintukoto (~lalaland roughly for our English readers).
It exists only in your head