Sovereign Citizen, not Soviet Citizen… I was so confused!
Is chirn an actual word or a typo? Child, maybe.
Misspelling of “churn,” I think
Like a churn for making butter? Now I’m more confused.
“Been on this churn”, as in a verb. The act of churning, it’s a fairly Midwestern colloquialism to say “faffing about,” or “flailing around.”
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarity. That might’ve irked me for ages.
Sad to hear he got out of Soverign Citizenry and right into some random Missouri church, hope he doesnt get dragged down another weird rabbithole.
Good for the kid
Feel good story of the day.
This sovereign citizenship shit so goddamn hilarious and so goddamn sad at the same time…
I’m in one way glad Reddit exists because there are kids of people like this who turn up there and tell people stuck in it how to get out. If nothing else.
I love how they say “got out” without having the self awareness of what that meant.
I wonder what “being in handcuffs” refers to.
Given she’s freaking out about a driver’s license, I’m guessing he was driving without a license and got arrested for it.
It’s not impossible that the mother forced him to drive without a license/permit and they got arrested for it. I once saw a bodycam video where the sovtard in the passenger seat was giving lines to say to the driver, who was clearly not on board with the rhetoric.
“WTAF” doesn’t mean what you think it means. She’s asking for advice from the radio station she hears in her head.
Well explained, my arse. Sounded like a ranting crank, I’d wager.