• Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    That the government is acting completely and utterly deranged. It has gotten worse and worse since it banned opposition parties and closed opposition tv channels. There is no voice except the hard right.

    Roger Waters said some anti-NATO things on CNN and now he’s on their official assassination list? Utterly fucking psychotic.

    The point of them doing it is to terrorise anyone who even vaguely lightly criticises them or supports the position that NATO is bad and partly responsible for this war. To reduce opposition discourse.

      • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        It’s not just “psyops” how can you not see that? There is literally no political opposition in the country anymore. It is far right regime that has shut down all opposition and created a scenario in which anyone that isn’t remotely in line with exactly what the regime wants now ends up on an assassination list.

        Dismissing it as “psyops” is a defence of a very clear and inarguable act of fascist terror. By dismissing it you are normalising the act of putting people on assassination lists for saying extremely mild things that a government dislikes.

        • AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
          2 years ago

          Ukraine now gets a free pass for literally everything because HURR DURR RUSSIA BAD! That was made official when Amnesty retracted their report about unethical Ukranian war tactics this month because people freaked out that they would DARE criticise anything about Ukraine. I’m convinced that they can literally open up an extermination camp for Russian POWs with gas chambers and the West will find a way to spin that as either “they need it to defeat Russia” or “Russians are even worse so that makes it okay”, you know, the arguments they used to smear the Amnesty report.

          And these are the people who accuse us (socialists) of “whataboutism”.

        • NXL@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          There is literally no political opposition in the country anymore. It is far right regime that has shut down all opposition and created a scenario in which anyone that isn’t remotely in line with exactly what the regime wants now ends up on an assassination list.

          not a shred of self awareness was detected

          • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            Zero class analysis. Typically american. Those of us in more class conscious countries can see that this is different when one class does it vs the other.

            When the bourgeoisie do it they do it to perform the maximum acts of violence and exploitation upon the workers.

            When the proletariat does it they do it to perform the maximum acts of repression upon the bourgeoisie, with the intent on their complete abolition.

            One is the abolition of exploitation and the other is the ramping up and climax of exploitation. Can you see the difference between these two things or do you just go through life pretending class isn’t actually a thing?

            When slaves rose up an murdered their exploiters, preventing political opposition with the use of guns were they in the wrong for abolishing that form of exploitation? I am going to assume you don’t think so but I could be wrong. Why then do you think the working classes should not prevent political opposition from the people exploiting us?

            Didn’t you say you were an anarchist before? Anarchist theory is 100% in favour of completely repressing the bourgeoisie through use of violent force and ruthlessly preventing the political opposition to anarchy as well. Are you just not an anarchist then? Because if you’re against that then you’re literally just a liberal, you do not believe in a fundamental principle of either anarchist or socialist theory. Anarchy is NOT “let anyone do what they want even the exploiters” lmao. I was an anarchist for 25 years before moving over to marxism-leninism.

            • NXL@lemmy.ml
              2 years ago

              You love writing paragraphs lol.

              1. I never said i was an anarchist or any ideology. why are you so obsessed with attacking teams/cults that aren’t your own. Can you believe in things without supporting other people blindly just because that wave your flag or wear your hat?

              2. Putin isn’t bombing Ukraine because its oppressing his country lmao and its been doing all that fascist shit, assassinating people in other countries + in Russia and stopping all opposition for decades. Its a far right christian nationalist country not the USSR

              • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.ml
                2 years ago

                I never said i was an anarchist or any ideology. why are you so obsessed with attacking teams/cults that aren’t your own. Can you believe in things without supporting other people blindly just because that wave your flag or wear your hat?

                You’re fucking around a lot here. You’re clearly a liberal participating in bad faith. They are neither teams nor cults, they are political goals and understanding a person’s political goals is key in analysing their positions and intentions accurately. My attitude and the way I talk to an anarchist is completely different to how I talk to a communist or a liberal, for good reasons. I share much in common with anarchists, I do not share much in common with liberals, the liberal ideology is one of exploitation while the socialist and anarchist ideology is of abolishing exploitation.

                Ukraine has fuck all to do with my comment lmao jog the fuck on. Stop changing the topic every other comment it makes it unbearably pointless to engage with you because you. I am not responding to an attempt to change topic unless you actually respond to me instead of avoiding questions and dodging around endlessly. Either talk to me respectfully and actually engage with the things I say or jog the fuck n and stop wasting my time.

                • PP44@lemmy.ml
                  2 years ago

                  Hey I do not care what your position is, but the sentence

                  Either talk to me respectfully and actually engage with the things I say or jog the fuck n and stop wasting my time.

                  Is this a joke ? You are being way more aggressive and engage way less than them in your whole post, but even in the very sentence where you are denouncing this very attitude. How could you expect anyone that does not already blindly agree with you to take you seriously ?

                  (TBH, this kind of behavior seems so absurd to me I almost feel like it has to be liberal strategy to make leftist look stupid, aggressive and impossible to reason with…)

                  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.ml
                    2 years ago

                    No it’s not a joke. When I say “respectful” here I am referring to the respect afforded someone when you actually want them to engage with you. If you want someone to actually engage with the shit you say, then the bare minimum to receive that engagement is to reciprocate. That is good faith engagement between two people regardless of tone. If I’m going to talk to the other side, the baseline for that conversation to not become highly aggressive is to actually talk instead of fucking around dodging every single question and then going for the topic change and expecting me to continue engaging after they clearly did not engage with me.

                    “You’re being aggressive”. Of course my tone is grumpy after someone has intentionally dodging every single word I say who is now self-admittedly not part of any “leftist” ideology whatsoever that this instance is supposed to be about. Their pattern of behaviour is synonymous with wreckers, their intent here is solely to fuck with a leftist project and do harm or mischief in whatever ways they can come up with.

                    I’d rather talk to someone that insults me while actually genuinely responding to the things I say than talk to someone that engages in this kind of weasel behaviour, it is far far worse and far more damaging to any sense of community. It functions to generate enormous amounts of distrust between a community and a naive modteam that continually puts up with the more damaging behaviour by affording it far more leeway than it deserves.

        • 8Petros (he/him)@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          Having a choice between the Ukrainians and the Russian Empire (self-certified genocidal and literally fascist project) I still chose Ukrainians. Let alone the fact that my place is in the pipeline for Russian invasion, just after Moldova and Prybaltyka.

          Every Russian politician, oligarch, soldier, agent, troll or useful idiot stopped or scared away by the Ukrainians is one less to deal with, when our time comes.