Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) is proposing two amendments to an appropriations bill that would defund the various prosecutions of former President Trump.

He is adding to the defense of the former president mounted by Trump allies in the House as they circle the wagons in the face of four indictments.

Clyde, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, on Monday announced plans for two amendments to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) fiscal 2024 appropriations bill that would “prohibit the use of federal funding for the prosecution of any major presidential candidate prior to the upcoming presidential election on November 5th, 2024,” according to a press release.

    1 year ago

    Doesn’t even matter.

    Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.)

    Republicans have shot his bills down countless times because he’s mostly a prick to everyone. Nobody likes the guy and he’s hardly useful in any capacity to the GOP outside of a warm body who can physically push a “yea” button when they tell him to push it.

    He’s like MTG who is from the close by 14th district except more irritating to listen to and less well put together. Pretty much exactly what you’d expect from rural Georgia yet just less pleasant in pretty much every aspect than most Republicans.

    Not only that, guy is a well known coward. His usual response to difficult things is to do his best impression of Zoidberging out of the situation. Guy is worthless skin who’d run for cover if someone started popping popcorn.

      1 year ago

      Thank fuck, I was worried for a bit that they could actually do something

      The New Nazis are not very good at this, are they?

      • frezik
        1 year ago

        The old Nazis weren’t all that savvy, either. They clawed their way into power by pointing to all the leftist groups as a scare tactic to get the support of business and the old landed gentry. Hitler was every bit the loud-mouthed clown that Trump is, and their supporters outside the party knew it. They were afraid that everyone to the left of Hindenburg would make good on their promises to seize the means of production, and propped up a man who should never have been given power.