I, for one, have heard enough from the right for at least one lifetime.

  • Chris Remington@beehaw.org
    2 years ago

    There is a fundamental problem at play here. It is the ‘Us Vs. Them’ that springs up from the natural human desire for identity.

    We have two general types of identities; one is on an individual level and one on a collective one. As we grow, our sense of identify also grows. We have seen cases in which individuals are willing to let go of their individual identities to make a sacrifice for their collective ones. People who share the same collective identity think of themselves as having a common interest and a common fate. For example, liberty lovers vs. extremist, republicans vs. democrats, Israelis vs. Palestinians, India and Pakistan, government and insurgents, the list can go on and on forever. The more progressed a sense of identity, the less there is a sense of separation.

    On the surface, and hopefully people can understand the common sense of this issue, there is a dichotomous way at viewing our world. For example, black vs white, my way or the highway, right vs wrong, good vs evil so on and so forth.

    This is a highly flawed way at understanding reality. However, politicians are incredibly keen on exploiting this human flaw in order to gain more money and power.

    • BendingUnitOP
      2 years ago

      Yes, that is what the video says. Generally the liberals, or “moderate” right, insist that we HAVE to listen to the extremist right. This has gotten us stuck in a quagmire, and kept us from solving problems and indeed backsliding, for decades. The extremist right generally has some vapid falsehood or outright insane conspiracy theory to peddle, and entertains and distracts it’s voters.

      I believe the narrator is trying to get “moderate” voters to take a teensy, tiny step to the left; away from their comfortable friends, the literal fascists; and ignore them a little more in favor of facing reality and solving problems.

      • jeroenmouton@beehaw.org
        2 years ago

        no, i mean this here is what they say about you, they talk about left ideas like it’s dangerous communism/dictature with all the negative consequences. They say that they have to be extreme to counterbalance the other extreme. Basically it’s reaction and anti-reaction. Nobody ever listen to each other because everyone keeps going more extreme. Rather than trying to find a common ground.

        • BendingUnitOP
          2 years ago

          no, i mean this here is what they say about you, they talk about left ideas like it’s dangerous communism/dictature with all the negative consequences.

          Yes I know, this is why we must leave them behind.

          They say that they have to be extreme to counterbalance the other extreme.

          I’m not saying this is never said, but I will say that I have never heard this and I pay a decent amount of attention. What they usually say is some variation on a lie or conspiracy theory.

          Nobody ever listen to each other because everyone keeps going more extreme. Rather than trying to find a common ground.

          I listen to both their leaders and their voters. The leaders are whom I’m attempting to tell people to walk away from because they spew unhinged garbage designed to distract the majority of their voters from the fact that it is the very people they vote for making their lives worse. No, I can’t find common ground with people willing to grind up humanity for the profit of a handful of wealthy, powerful monsters. And the entire point of the video is to encourage you to stop trying to find common ground with them because that’s a bad idea that has only lead to suffering and mass death, and will continue to lead to suffering and mass death. We need not allow barbarism a seat at the table.