A partnership with OpenAI will let podcasters replicate their voices to automatically create foreign-language versions of their shows.

  • just another dev@lemmy.my-box.dev
    1 year ago

    I think it mostly a matter of “most of the copyrighted material belongs to companies, fuck companies”, as well as a little bit of “I have nothing to hide steal”. And of course a fair dose of “magic box makes pretty pictures, don’t take it away”. But maybe I’m just cynical.

    • kibiz0r
      1 year ago

      most of the copyrighted material belongs to companies, fuck companies

      Yeah, that does seem to be the center of it.

      I don’t know what to say to those people.

      Cuz they’re not wrong. The practical effect of current IP law is to protect the business models of parasitic holding companies whose main role in producing art is to ensure that it is an effective financial instrument.

      So from that perspective… Why would I respect Disney’s intellectual property rights?

      But I recoil at the idea that this means we shouldn’t bestow any rights or protections to creative works. It seems to me that the biggest problem with IP rights is that creators are immediately bullied into signing over all of those rights to platforms/publishers/distributors.

      And that immediate signing-over to mega corps… is exactly what is going on with OpenAI! But at massive scale!