I was asked to create a Michigan community and so I did!

  • simsym
    31 year ago

    Love it! Even though I am not from there they play a big influence in the midwest area, and are one of the nicer areas for camping I have found so I go there often.

    Would love to see input on info from the area from locals so hopefully they also join.

  • @FormerGameDev
    11 months ago

    Having a link to new communities in the announcements for them would be handy 🙃

    ok, not sure if i love that the default face for my usual grin is the upside-down smiley lol

    let’s see if editing works… and if linking to a /c/ works…


    just putting /c/Michigan doesn’t seem to work, typing the whole link does…

    Michigan community on midwest.social

    using link formatter in text input looks like that works too. It’s serviceable.