it is yet another week at the Beehaw factory so it is time for yet another of these threads…

  • Pete
    1 year ago

    Let’s see … in the past week, I

    • finally moved out of the hotel and into my van at long last after finding the parasitic drain on the starter batteries came in the form of an exploded (and not in a diagram sense) until-then-unknown auxiliary battery, hidden under the floor, that was keeping the whole system at 9V on account of the destroyed cell causing constant balancing by a secondary solenoid

    • got a gym membership, as one needs to bathe … it’s weird walking in and hearing what I guess is hypey, “driving” beats to some, but I just turned off trance in the van, so it’s more the Kenny G of dance music

    • built a very elaborate bedframe with the help and under advisement of another makerspace member, finished the wall insulation, including new bulkhead; cut and crimped everything to get the house batteries to stop being very expensive paperweights (I’m hoping to test my first device tomorrow after work), and actually organized the cargo/living area for a few blissful hours

    • had a couple of pretty depressing conversations with friends; it seems we’re all resigned to the world getting worse as the only realistic direction given the breakdown in voter control of pretty much anything and the economy giving up any pretense of trying to benefit society

    • leaned that laundry can be done in an hour at the laundromat instead of being the all-afternoon affair it was at the apartment … load washer, play a large kakuro, transfer to dryer, play another, fold and depart

    • realized I’d had so few options for so long, being holed up in my apartment saddled with too much debt to do anything, that I don’t actually know the answer to “if you could do anything right now, what would it be?”