• Manmoth@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Copium not needed. Everything is good on my end. Feel free to have my share though I think you’ll need it.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
        1 year ago

        Nah, I don’t think I will. We’re headed for a whole different world where the parasitic leech that’s been sucking lifeblood from the planet is about to shrivel and die finally. Liberalism and capitalism are about to be the thing of the past.

        • Manmoth@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Except that if the US completely collapsed China would most likely take its place and China is a hypercapitalist uniparty state. The incentive to make the favorable unilateral deals with smaller countries will be removed. They would over time opt for coercion via soft power. Unlike the US they would not grant citizenship to foreigners because they would want to remain as culturally, physiologically and ethnically homogenous as possible. They wont embrace diversity nor will they embrace dissent. This will become harder as the Chinese people become used to wealth. They would be less neurotic than the US but would of course still actively work against the interests of a nation with designs on being their rival. The population pyramid will hit them in about 15-20 years and they will have to support far more elderly than they have the ability to. As a result, they will become more aggressive on the international stage. China’s greatness will not suffer if there are resources for the taking that will solve the problem. They will bribe leaders of puppet states for access to resources and exploit the country to fund their deficits. Because the yuan (or renmibi) will likely be the worlds reserve currency they will have the exclusive ability to export their inflation and outspend any nation during wartime. They would be foolish not to use this tool against their enemies.

          Things might be good for 80-200 years but once the ruling generation is completely disconnected from struggle they will become more selfish. The nation will begin arcing towards collapse.

          At no point would they ever care about the sharing the spoils of their success with the workers of the world, consider eliminating the idea of a nation state or abandoning a debt-based system of technocratic slavery. Why would they?

          I’m sure after the crash of the Chinese Republic the revolution will take place and we’ll be rid of the blood-sucking leeches once and for all… right?

            • Manmoth@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              All of human history tells us that human beings are self serving creatures. There is no reason for a society with every possible advantage to arbitrarily relenquish its superiority for ‘muh communism’. It’s a pipe dream.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
                1 year ago

                People being selfish simply means we need to design systems where acting in your own interest aligns with the common interest. Communism accomplishes this far better than any other system that’s been tried. No system will ever be perfect, but it’s clear that some systems achieve better results than others.

                • Manmoth@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Communism’s only lasting acheivement is causing 70 million of it’s own people to starve to death in the 20th century due to malice and incompetence. Strategic positions are filled to solidify power not meritocratically. It incentivizes people with pervasive fear. Fear of sureveillance and secret police. Fear of going to the gulag, being shot in the street or being sent to the frontlines of a war without a weapon. God help you if there is a color revolution and you happen to wear glasses. You are a slave and there is no way out. You have nothing to call your own, no aspirations just hopelessness. Communism has been tried. It doesn’t work.

                  In a world where no system is perfect saying that Communism is the least maligned is laughable. We have over a 100 years of data at this point. Data that we can access and process due to the information technology revolution driven almost entirely by the flawed but extremely innovative west.

                  Allowing people to reap the fruits of their own labor is aligned with the common interest because it gives people some sense of self sovereignty which, in the end, is what everyone wants. You can invest your wealth in initiatives you find valuable and grow your wealth while fueling innovation. Capitalism in and of itself isn’t some evil invention. Subversion and degeneration of culture are the culprits. Communism has the same issue but there is no hedge against it because the people don’t really have any power.

                  Bet on greed.