Morale and trust within the Walt Disney World government has deteriorated since allies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took it over earlier this year, according to many employees who have departed in recent months saying the governing district has been politicized and cronyism now permeates the organization.

More than 40 out of about 370 employees have left the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District since it was taken over in February, raising concerns that decades of institutional knowledge is departing with them, along with a reputation for a well-run government.

“When I first joined the District, I found an organization that strived to be the very best at serving our community, sought the very best employees and valued those employees above all else,” a former facilities manager with three years of experience said in an employee exit survey last week. “I find myself leaving a completely different District. A District that prioritizes politics above all else and will gladly sacrifice its employees, its community and its work if there’s an opportunity to score political points.”

        11 months ago

        Disney deranged the commission authority before they left, so they really don’t have any authority, yet are still paid by the state.

          4 months ago

          Disney gave free gifts to RCID employees totalling near 0.5 million USD which is same as bribery of govt officials.

          Special district laws DID NOT apply to RCID since Walt negotiated for Disney few months before his death in 1967 or whenever for a special special agreement with Florida that was untouched by later Special District laws that DID apply to all Non-Disney projects! Disney was abusing their power granted by the govt of Florida …

          Republicans saw the weakness of Disney’s special privileges and as usual waved a stick at Disney … bait which Disney took …

          All Disney had to do was focus on making movies and making money.

          “put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!” is what has sunk their entire business.

          Edit: Disney LOST their Court-case against Florida. The downvoters and Naysayers are WRONG :-D Corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. Legal Entities need to be DELETED from Existence if they commit crimes. :-D