Might save you a click:
Faliszek then shares a screenshot from CoD Modern Warfare 3, whereby a quote from Parks, one of the central figures of the American Civil Rights Movement, appears in Call of Duty after you have died. “Knowing what must be done does away with fear,” the quote from Parks reads.
“Dear Call of Duty team,” Faliszek continues, “I get it. You’re thinking ‘she has this great quote, she’s a civil-rights activist, we’re going to call attention to her.’ No. This is exploitative. This is gross. Rosa Parks has nothing to do with the grossness of your shoot people in the face game. Don’t have her as a death quote. Just don’t.”
Operation Flashpoint at least kills you with quotes that go ‘war is bad, actually.’
Nope, nevermind, checked the list, it’s a similar grab-bag.
Specifically because they use Rosa Parks quotes for death screens for no discernable reason except a blind attempt to pander.
He’s just mad cuz they can make a 3rd game and Valve can’t.
…jokes aside though, using Rosa Parks quotes, how fucking detached from history are you??
They even did it twice! And somehow made it worse the second time.
Press X to sit in front of the the bus.
At least they can count to 3. Like 3 separate times but still
can they count to 4, tho?
There’s a Black Ops 4…
Does it actually say - Rosa parks? Because if not those are just words that I personally never knew were attributed to Rosa parks and fit a military game. Not defending cod because it is a shit game. But if they actually attribute it directly to Rosa parks then that weird as fuck but otherwise it’s just a obvious line about knowing your mission and not being scared
Who cares? Yeah it doesn’t really belong there in the given context but the wording of this rebuke is extreme. They simply wanted easy PR, an easy win by someone society praises.
Fuck cod but who exactly is being exploited by quoting Rosa Parks?
“I just played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 this weekend, the single-player, and I’m shooting people in the face,” Faliszek explains. “And then I didn’t shoot people in the face well enough so I died.
grossness of your shoot people in the face game.
You do the exact same shit in HL, how is this even relevant?
Does HL include Rosa Parks quotes too?
Guy who hasn’t made a game worth playing in decades shouldn’t talk though. Where’s half life 3 you jerks?