Alternatives Nekogram X an alternative telegram foss client

    3 years ago

    I think that the issue with Matrix is mostly due to the main server implementation, Synapse, which takes a lot of resources to run. Even Disroot closed its instance in favor of XMPP due to this.

    The XMPP network is quite different on this. However, given the truly decentralized idea on it, people has the idea that the XMPP network is not being used…

    My thoughts about Telegram are that the list I gave to you are part of my requirements and/or preferences and objectives.

    I think that the ethic comes first, then the needs. If the ethics are closed and block the needs then open a bit and fix as objective to improve the needs satisfaction to try to fit the established ethic.

    This is translated to -->

    I put the requirements first over what happens inside the service itself and if these prevent you to manage correctly a community or similar, then open a bit the requirements and focus on ways to fit the requirements solving the internal issue too. This is mostly done by translating a requirement to a preference.

    In my case, this would be the software being hosted on GitHub and just 1 person managing in some cases (two preferences). I put focus on getting it away of it but open myself while this it not possible yet.

        3 years ago

        Well, I don’t take WhatsApp into account because people don’t realize that is XMPP which is the main point I use to support my theory, what people know when they join every platform.

        The additional features are something I put a secondary unless are strictly needed directly. Then I change main requirement as preference to set myself in platforms on that, and support the ones which doesn’t fit the needs to get that, for example. This last thing would be what I call “put focus on fit the preference or the requirement”.

        We can use XMPP already though and, from it, support implementation of the faulty things. Maybe you could be in another platform meanwhile if some of the needed things are not in the XMPP platform yet.