Because I only use web, on mobile and desktop. I can’t live without adblock.

  • PenguinCoder
    141 year ago

    I use a third party app on my phone, and old.reddit on the desktop. Never could get used to ‘new’ and don’t like how the screen real estate is on it. Ad block for the home network AND Ublock Origin on mobile and desktop are a must have for me.

  • Joshua
    131 year ago

    Neither. I was banned from /r/Android because I prefer a Google Pixel over a Samsung device (yay, corrupt mods!)

    I forgot, and I commented using one of my many alts. I was temporarily suspended from Reddit as a whole for “ban evasion”.

    My friends visited, who have Reddit accounts, and when they connected to my WiFi Reddit immediately perma-banned ALL of us, including all of my brand accounts for my company.

    Reddit allowing random strangers to essentially get you perma-banned because you prefer a different phone is ridiculous. 🥲

      1 year ago

      I also got a ban after being on the site for over a decade. In a popular city’s subreddit there was a news article about an FBI agent that had to shoot a pitbull in a park. The pit was not on a leash and started attacking the agent’s dog. The pit also attacked another dog in this park a week prior. The agent shoots the dog and everyone in the comments is going crazy about a wild, dangerous dog being shot.

      I said they should’ve nuked the dog and got perma’d. Poof. Ten year account on a throwaway comment, no warning. The mod reported it to reddit admins and then it was removed for “inciting violence”. So now I’m just sitting here with my nukes trying to find a new place to chat.

      Also, API calls. lol

      • Joshua
        61 year ago

        That reminds me, before I got perma IP-banned, I got account banned for a comment I made.

        It was on a post of someone who died from colon cancer. I commented how important it is to get your ass checked, and that account was perma-banned for “bullying”.

        It’s quite interesting to see all of the hate speech and terrible comments on Reddit that don’t seem to get picked up by Reddit, yet here I am, IP perma-banned for the most ridiculous things lol

  • UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️
    101 year ago

    I prefer to do everything in the desktop, so I usually used old reddit with Reddit Enhancement Suite. When I’m out and about, I might scroll reddit a bit on the Boost app for Android. I don’t want to use their official app or new reddit at all.

    101 year ago

    I mostly use Infinity for Reddit (where Jerboa for Lemmy clearly draws a lot of inspiration from)

    Sometimes I also use reddit on my PC but the site is horrible there and the old site, while not as buggy, doesn’t look great.

  • shep
    101 year ago

    App 98% of the time. If I can’t use Apollo, I won’t use reddit anymore. The website sucks and the official app is garbage now.

  • wicked82 [ Ohio ]A
    91 year ago

    I use Apollo 99% of the time… ( RIP alien blue ) and old.reddit 1% of the time. I REFUSE to use the official reddit app as it is literal hot garbage and i’d rather have 1,000 root canals than to use it even for a second.

    Not thrilled about starting over and finding a new alternative but I’ve done it in the past (RIP Digg) so bring it. I hope reddit burns to the ground for this.

  • Sander
    91 year ago

    I’ve never used something different than Reddit is Fun (RIF for Fun now, I guess?) on Android for private use and the ‘normal’ web version if I Google something for work and end up on Reddit.

    91 year ago

    Reddit is Fun on Android mobile, old.reddit on desktop with RES. The design of new Reddit is atrocious, they only show 3 comments so you have to click more and the ads are obnoxious. The official app is pushed on you as much as possible and is used as the default for opening browser links, even if you tell it otherwise in the device settings. I uninstalled it because it didn’t like coexisting with RiF.

    81 year ago

    I used to use Infinity, but with the api changes I use Jerboa now (just for a different service :p)

    81 year ago

    90% of the time mobile via RIF, the remainder is desktop with old reddit + RES. Once the API apocalypse hits it will be 0% of the time mobile, and we’ll see if I even bother on the desktop after that.

    1 year ago

    I do both, and when mobile I use Boost on Android. I assume they will also be affected by this so my Reddit time will be reduced quite a bit.

      31 year ago

      Has been for so long too. I tried the reddit webpage on my mobile with Firefox. Even the website is slow and clunky. Old.reddit is hard to read on my phone too, and it might even go away along with the API access. If I have to I’ll give ReVanced a go with the official app, just to kill the ads.