In my case it was very nearly a year ago. A contemporary opera, which I had my doubts about - having only seen one about 30 years back and finding it immensely dull (I should have twigged since they were handing out free tickets: the only reason I went. However this one was actually pretty good: Violet by Tom Could and Alice Birch - a metaphor on climate change with a great concept and some memorable performances.

It was part of a festival, and I also saw a couple of comedy shows in the fringe, both needing a deal of work before they would be going much further.

I was surprised to realise how long back these were. There was a time when I would expect to get to some type of stage performance at least every few months or so. However, I live in a fairly rural situation now, and it doesn’t happen so often.

How about you?

    1 year ago

    I usually go 2 or 3 times a year, and went to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong last month. It was hilarious, and I was pretty amazed at the lengths the cast went through for the physical comedy. Found that its actually on Youtube earlier today, so I’ve been having fun looking dornthe small differences.