Title. I like games that require a lot of work to get into. Here are some of my favorites:
- Eve Online
- Dwarf Fortress
- Satisfactory
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Sounds like X4: Foundations might be right up your alley.
Europa Universalis 4, Crusader Kings and XCOM in harder difficulties in iron man mode. I love brooding over difficult decisions and devising strategies in turn-based (and similar) games.
A minecraft modpack called Gregtech New Horizons. It takes the general modding scene of minecraft 1.7.10-1.12.2 era and pushes it to 11
Crusader Kings
100% Stellaris (assuming it counts)
I just started this last night. Reminds me of Civ5 but in space. I’m enjoying it so far. So much stuff to do.
Traditional fighting games, I suppose, namely older anime fighters/airdashers, at more than a super casual level. Among those, I find Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R and BlazBlue: Central Fiction to be especially complex but also so, so rewarding when you put in the time to learn them.
Just to give you an example, this is a sort of basic combo for Kokonoe, the character I play in BlazBlue: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=U8j0mmLJ4zo&t=95 . I have been practicing for weeks and I’m still halfway through that.
I don’t know that it’s my favorite, but I want to give Shadow Empire and honorable mention. Definitely not a smooth process for beginning it
It’s been pretty close to 30 years for me. Beautiful game, but so hard to get anywhere!
Victoria 2. Haven’t gotten around to trying the sequel yet, but will eventually. Been playing a bunch of Dwarf Fortress as of late too.
I played like only one real game, as Spain, and I just repeatedly took took bites out of Portugal, until my ally France turned on me. Lost some ground but was able to stop them. I should play it again.
Shenzhen I/O and TIS-100 take some getting used to.
The Witness is amazing, if you like puzzle games that take a lot of time to figure out the rules.
These games are my goto for a “complex but still fun” mood:
- X series (X3 and X4)
- Endless Space 2, Endless Legend
- Crusader Kings 2
- Stellaris
I never really understood how obtuse learning Stellaris can be. I’ve been playing it since release and have been with it through every step of its massive changes. This year I had two friends pick it up and attempting to explain the basics plus the intricacies along with slowing down my playstyle in order to explain why I do what I do was a learning experience in and of itself. I wish the new coop mode had been out when I was initially showing them the ropes. They’ve since started to to get the hang of things though and I’m proud!
RimWorld. Easy to play, hard to master. Also Rust
Figured out RimWorld? Great, add 20 mods and learn it all again. Repeat when you get bored.
Loading mod (1/237)
I don’t even remember what vanilla taste like.
Same tbh, can’t live without QOL mods
Hahaha exactly
It’s a mod, but the original long war mod for XCOM 2012 holds a very special place in my heart. You basically have to have reference material open because of how large the research trees got, along with just no ability to really in game teach you about any of the mechanical changes.
Maybe not quite as sprawling as something like a paradox game or dwarf fortress, but LW also demands you fully understand the complexities it introduces over the base game or you can find yourself in unwinnable or extremely difficult to pull out of positions, and you easily end up playing tons of missions in a doomed session if you miss, say, upgrading your interceptors enough quickly enough to pop the overseer UFO or find yourself in a massive resource pit because you sold all your elerium early and now you can’t keep up techwise.
The sequel mod for xcom2 never to grabbed my attention the same way long war 1 did.