this is usually an interesting discussion to have, and there are a lot of interesting questions to ask in this field–so let’s ask and talk about a few. feel free to answer as many as you want, or ask your own of people in the comments. here are two groups of three that i think are good to start:

  • Do you suffer from anxiety about climate change and its effects?
  • Have you ever made significant individual lifestyle choices because of climate change?
  • Have you ever thought of leaving where you live because of potential future climactic effects? Have you actually moved already because of them?

  • Do you think the world can limit global warming to 1.5C or 2C? Where do you think we’ll “level off” in terms of warming–especially if you don’t think we’ll meet either of those goals?
  • What do you think of proposed technologies like carbon capture? Do you think they’re useful, or a technocratic waste of time? Can they be viably used at large scale on any reasonable timeframe?
  • Do you support something like climate reparations either now or in the future? Do you think such a thing is even viable?
    1 year ago

    Do you suffer from anxiety about climate change and its effects?

    No. A tidal wave is coming, I do not fret over how to stop it, I plan on how to ride it, and barring that, how to resurface. Maybe we as a group will build systems to reduce it, but I cannot stop it on my own, I have better things to worry about so hard.

    Have you ever made significant individual lifestyle choices because of climate change?

    Not yet, I will likely go heavy into solar/electrification if I ever get my own home, but even that seems like a bandaid for a systemic issue. I’m not a massive consumer, and would likely be happy with just a computer, some cheap food, an electric scooter, and living in a small house if it wasn’t for future aspirations of a moderately large family. I’d live in an apartment if I could guarantee good neighbors (yeah right).

    Have you ever thought of leaving where you live because of potential future climactic effects? Have you actually moved already because of them?

    I think my area isn’t too terrible for future events. Might get really rough deep into summer, but I don’t think we have the humidity for wet bulb events, so my only real risks are increased tornadoes, flooding, and maybe drought.

    Do you think the world can limit global warming to 1.5C or 2C? Where do you think we’ll “level off” in terms of warming–especially if you don’t think we’ll meet either of those goals?

    No, the West is dialing down on carbon emissions, but it’s slow. And even if we went carbon neutral, growing economies like India are going to offset any of our progress. Plus, I don’t think the vast majority of the 1st world has the spine to cut consumption to sustainable levels, or pay for them. I don’t pay enough attention to temperature levels to give a useful number.

    What do you think of proposed technologies like carbon capture? Do you think they’re useful, or a technocratic waste of time? Can they be viably used at large scale on any reasonable timeframe?

    Haven’t bothered keeping up with technologies much. In theory are likely cool and possibly able to help fix carbon, doubt anyone uses them to a scale that’s useful.

    Do you support something like climate reparations either now or in the future? Do you think such a thing is even viable?

    Worthless concept imo, at least in raw money. Going to be hard for most countries to stomach giving that money over, especially countries they’re moderately hostile to (China). Probably better off pushing for negative carbon emissions at home to offset the other countries and investment into their systems to make them more efficient. Not to mention the Twitter post already starts to dip into targeting the rich, which will make it a non-starter.