Generally speaking, I get the feeling I should stick to something that isn’t worth enough for felony theft charges to apply, so no RTX 4090 or 4080. The 4070 Ti isn’t at all a bad deal for $0.00, so I suppose that’s the one.

I’ve heard conflicting reports on how likely Amazon is to refund you if you simply claim the box showed up with a brick in it. I’ve also seen conflicting reports on whether or not they’ll actually check if a return has the same serial number on it. What say you, Hexbear?

  • CarbonScored [any]
    10 months ago

    What, you think the economy works on “supply vs demand”? It’s more of a “the rich shareholders demand more money vs tough shit consumer with little-no choice” economy.

    I’d assume they’re better off trying to recoup their costs by upping the price, selling only half their stock to die-hard customers, and burning the rest. That way the next generation card will still be in high demand because many customers missed on this model, and they can price it highly too.