With gaming often bringing me into a really depressive headspace sometimes with how the markets are developing, whats a game you can always go to and just be lost in, or just be happy with?
Personally i would go for advance wars 1 and 2 on the gba (there is no remake and never will be)
the artstyle, the music, the game-play is just simple, yet effective, a sublime experience of very fun times.
Whats yours?
super Mario galaxy for sure
When I was very young I had something wrong with my nose and I couldn’t breathe so I had to get surgery
When I left the hospital my parents said I could get a game to play while I couldn’t go to school for a week and I chose super Mario galaxy
I played the shit out of that game and it just has such a calming positive vibe, like everything is gonna be ok
That game is a part of me, I love it so much
… that or left 4 dead 2
I haven’t seen anyone mentioning this gem:
Vampire Survivors
Try not to have an overly rosy retrospection about this. There were plenty of crappy, cash-grabby games in decades past. We just don’t remember them because they were crappy, cash-grabby, and not worth remembering. They hadn’t invented microtransactions yet, but that’s just one more flavor of crappiness.
Elite Dangerous in VR. I can really disconnect from the real world and just enjoy being a space-pirate bounty hunter.
This may sound odd as a comforting game, but I fired up Fallout 3 a year or so ago, and it really made me feel good to be back in the Capitol Wasteland.
I recently heard that a Skyrim was a comfy game and I’m one to agree. Now I haven’t picked up the game in months, but I know I can go back and pick it up again knowing that I’ll be able to get lost in the world of the Dragonborn.
Another one for me is Stardew Valley, and I’ve also started to play Veloren bit which could also go up there as a cozy game.
Minecraft. It’s fun to see what new mods or mod packs come out every now and then. I tend to like the magic based ones like Thaumcraft, Botania, Ars Magica, etc. My partner prefers the Tech ones and together we build a massive base that’s a fusion of the two.
Believe it or not, Warcraft 2. There are three scenarios I like to play through. They are pretty mindless, have varying degrees of challenge, and are very low stress.
Pure comfort? Pokemon Crystal Clear - it’s like healing for the soul after a long day of marking.
Less pure comfort? Darkest Dungeon - because sometimes you need to feel pain to really relax!
Diablo games. It’s nice being able to slay demons and not put much thought into it.
GTA, online friends mode, cruise on my motorcycle checking out scenery, ride the coasters.
This might sound weird but Dark Souls 1 does give me a certain level of comfort, not sure what that says about me lol. I haven’t played it in a while but back then, creating new builds and trying out new weapons was really fun, and I got very accustomed to the game’s mechanics and it’s general progression and pathing. I could run through the whole game without even thinking about it. I’ll still go back to it every now and again and it still gives me that comfortable nostalgic feeling.
Of course the right answer will alway be Roller Coaster Tycoon! Combined with this: https://openrct2.org/ … calm and peaceful bliss.
You just unlocked some core memories
You might enjoy Marcel Vos’ videos on YouTube if you don’t already know about them. Dude loves his classic RCT games and he has a ton of in-depth videos about the nuts and bolts of the game.
Loved the RCT games growing up. I distinctly remember the water park expansion pack not working with my local copy of RCT3, for whatever reason. Being a kid, I never thought to contact support, and so I waited and waited for the platinum edition to release.
Those roller coaster vids back in the day with the 3D view were nuts! Some people are so creative…
3.5k hours in EU4 and counting. Removing Kebap never gets old.
Bloons td 6
Pajama Sam! That was my introduction to gaming and I still run through them every once in a while. Pure nostalgia