I’m looking to buy a new laptop. I recently switched to Linux (Fedora) and would like to stay with it (Not necessarily Fedora though).
My most important requirement is that it has a great runtime. I honestly don’t want to deal with under-volting or anything like that. A “runs out of the box” approach would be best.
13-14", no dGPU, AMD/Intel.
edit: I realized that great runtime is very different for everyone. I wouldn’t consider 5-7 hours great. More like absolute minimum is 8. Better is 10-12. This sounds very unlikely though, apart from MacBooks with ARM CPU. Any recommendations?
Which CPU are you using? I’ve got the 11th gen i5 and battery life is just miserable, especially in standby.
there is a kernel parameter to add to make standby better:
.if you are on nixos you can import the framework hardware module from “nixos-hardware”. it also includes other fixes