Personally, I’m a huge fan of Hollow Knight, Ori and the (Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps), and Kingdom Hearts. Orchestral soundtracks are just something else…
I never realized that Minecraft used an outside musician for their songs. I always thought it was in house until one night my wife was listening to one of her sleepy time playlists and it suddenly started playing a Minecraft song. I asked why she was listening to Minecraft and she had no idea what I was talking about since she had never played the game. I checked her phone and sure enough it was on the artist’s album and not on a Minecraft one.
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There’s this french MMO i played as a kid called Dofus and that soundtrack still hits hard when I listen. I think part of it is nostalgia but also its just so beautiful
Outer Wilds. Yeah it’s one of the greatest games ever made, but would it be so good without that soundtrack? Debatable.
I petitioned to play something from it at my actual wedding (sadly was overruled), and I know I’m not the only one.
I know! It’s such a good ost! I think one of my favorite songs for it, although not from the ost, is Andrew Prahlow’s Outer Wild - Reprise single. It’s got aspects of all different main themes and is just overall an amazing piece
I can barely make it 30 seconds into that one without tearing up and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
Was looking for someone to mention Outer Wilds. I love when games weave music into storytelling and its perfect here.
TUNIC, FEZ, Nier Automata, Outer Wilds.
I also have a soft spot for Paper Mario and TTYD, those soundtracks are full of bops
I need to go back and play FEZ again. Tunic was an awesome experience that felt like I was playing a Zelda game made by Phil Fish.
Outer Wilds is my number 1 all time fave OST. It makes me feel things.
Halo Reach!
Doom 2016 on some days, Pillars of Eternity on others
Outer Wilds is great. Have so many songs on my list of favourites!
Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided
The OG DE was solid too.
Endless Space 2. The best OST I have ever come across in 20+ years of gaming. Several hundred hours in and I’m still not sick of any of the tracks.
Wow, I wanted to post Endless Space (the first) in here, but great to see FlyByNo getting some love already!
I definitely love hollow Knight’s, if it wasn’t obvious by my pfp.
I also love mother 3 / earthbound
kingdom hearts
most persona games
outer wilds
Chrono trigger
Ace attorney
Paper Mario
I could go on and on tbh
pursuit is such a banger fr
Ace Attorney’s OST is such a classic. I’ve been making my way through the trilogy on PC, and it was crazy how many of those songs I had heard covers of but never realised was from Ace Attorney.
Steel samurai theme my beloved 🙏
RuneScape of course
Okami and Katamari Damacy. I also love interactive music, some examples are Pokémon Sword/Shield, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, and Journey. If anyone has other examples please let me know.
Super Mario Galaxy is the one that stuck with me. Also, I love Stardew Valley’s and Ori’s off the top of my head.
Galaxy theme is honestly one of my favorite pieces of music of any genre :).
Kenshi’s soundtrack has such an amazing, surreal sound. Such a vibe, love it.
Can’t believe someone mentioned Kenshi already :)
Such a cool game, such an amazing soundtrack